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Sergey edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

EJTAGproxy is a utility for connecting GNU debugger to PIC32 microcontrollers via JTAG or ICSP adapter. It implements a standard GDB remote serial protocol. It also can be used with Eclipse, DDD, Insight or other compatible debuggers.

Supported adapters:

pickit2.png pickit3.png arm-usb-tiny.png

Please report all bugs on issue tracker.



    ejtagproxy [options]


    -d, --daemon        run as daemon
    -p, --port=PORT     use the specified TCP port (default 2000)
    -D, --debug         output debug messages

To start a debug session:

  1. Run ejtagproxy.
  2. Attach a USB adapter to target board.
  3. Run gdb and connect to the PIC32 target:
    set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit 6
    set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit 2
    target remote localhost:2000

When gdb session is closed, ejtagproxy disconnects from the target board. You can use other tools, like pic32prog, to update the target software and then start a new gdb session. No need to restart ejtagproxy between sessions. You can safely run it as a daemon.

Example of GDB session is presented here.


To build on Linux or Mac OS X, run:

    cmake .
    make install

In case you don't have cmake installed, you can use plain Unix makefile. It might still need some modifications to adapt to your system:

    make -f make-unix

To build on Windows using MINGW compiler, run:

    gmake -f make-mingw

Supported processors

  • PIC32MX1xx/2xx family: mx110f016b, mx110f016c, mx110f016d, mx120f032b, mx120f032c, mx120f032d, mx130f064b, mx130f064c, mx130f064d, mx150f128b, mx150f128c, mx150f128d, mx210f016b, mx210f016c, mx210f016d, mx220f032b, mx220f032c, mx220f032d, mx230f064b, mx230f064c, mx230f064d, mx250f128b, mx250f128c, mx250f128d
  • PIC32MX3xx/4xx family: mx320f032h, mx320f064h, mx320f128h, mx320f128l, mx340f128h, mx340f128l, mx340f256h, mx340f512h, mx360f256l, mx360f512l, mx420f032h, mx440f128h, mx440f128l, mx440f256h, mx440f512h, mx460f256l, mx460f512l
  • PIC32MX5xx/6xx/7xx family: mx534f064h, mx534f064l, mx564f064h, mx564f064l, mx564f128h, mx564f128l, mx575f256h, mx575f256l, mx575f512h, mx575f512l, mx664f064h, mx664f064l, mx664f128h, mx664f128l, mx675f256h, mx675f256l, mx675f512h, mx675f512l, mx695f512h, mx695f512l, mx764f128h, mx764f128l, mx775f256h, mx775f256l, mx775f512h, mx775f512l, mx795f512h, mx795f512l


The utility is based on sources of:

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