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Serializable Session grails plugin


This plugin adds a Tomcat valve that will ensure that any data placed in the session (including the Flash scope) is serializable according to the Java Serializable conventions.


  • Logs whenever a serialisation error has been detected.
  • Optionally throw an exception to present a 500 error during the request.
  • Optional exit the VM when a serialization error is detected. This is useful when used in concert with a good set of HTTP based functional tests (eg selenium /Geb)
  • Replaces the session contents with the data that has been de/serialized, ensuring a similar process is applied at development as at producton time.


The following configuration options are available, with their defaults

serializableSessions {
   throwExceptionOnFailure = true
   replaceSession = true

throwExceptionOnFailure indicates whether the system should fail the request by throwing an exception, this will generate an http 500 error when a serialization error occurs

replaceSession indicates whether the contents of the session should be replaced by the new de/serialized contents.

New in 1.0

  • Upgrade to Grails 2.5.4
  • Removed systemExitOnFailure config option

New in 0.5

Update to grails 2.3.

New in 0.4

Addition of the replaceSession option and feature.