cd ~
git clone
cd ~/rust_native_storage_library
Creates an executable dynamic library at the following location
Compiles and links the C++ code (main.cpp
), the header file test_lib.h
and the Rust code
and provides an executable called run_test_demonstration
This test demonstration produces the following output (stores and loads from RocksDB)
Starting main function ...
i64 variable as integer: 1234567111
i64 variable as string: 1234567111
i64 variable as char: 1234567111
i32 variable as integer: 1234567111
i32 variable as string: 1234567111
i32 variable as char: 1234567111
Calling store data ...
Storing data, please wait ...
Database path: "/media/nvme/ssvm_database"
Database instance: RocksDB { path: "/media/nvme/ssvm_database" }
Item added to database
Calling load data ... 1234567111
Loading data, please wait ...
Retrieved the following string: 1234567111
The following is a list of tasks which will result in you having a machine which is fully equiped to deploy this storage library application.
The following included information about creating a new machine, additional storage, RockDB database installation and more ...
This installation uses the AWS i3.xlarge instance because it has a solid state hard drive which is large enough
- i3.xlarge ($0.374 per Hour)
- 1 x 950 NVMe SSD Storage
- 4 CPU
- 30.5 GB RAM
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
View NVMe volume (which is not yet mounted/mapped/formatted)
There is a ~300Gb drive with the name of nvme0n1
nvme0n1 259:2 0 279.4G 0 disk
Create a file system
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1
Part of the output from the above mkfs command will include the Filesystem UUID. Cut and paste this UUID because it will be used in an upcoming command.
Filesystem UUID: 6f6177fe-947a-46a2-b593-c36dfaaa8407
Create an easily accesible mount point on the main drive (where the operating system runs) and then set the permissions of this mount point to the ubuntu user.
sudo mkdir /media/nvme
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /media/nvme/
Ensure that this drive is mounted each time the system is restarted. Add this line to the /etc/fstab file (remember the UUID from the previous step?).
UUID=553acce1-4e42-4ea3-85da-c57ed3dd82b5 /media/nvme ext4 defaults 0 0
Once the above commands have succeeded, reboot the instance.
sudo shutdown -r now
After the reboot, see the mounted ~300Gb NVMe SSD using the df command
df -h
/dev/nvme0n1 275G 65M 260G 1% /media/nvme
#ensure that the /media/nvme directory is owned by ubuntu by typing ls -la /media/nvme If it is not then type the following command
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/nvme/
Create directory for database
mkdir /media/nvme/ssvm_database
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/nvme/ssvm_database
Install system requirements
sudo apt-get -y install devscripts debhelper build-essential fakeroot zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libsnappy-dev libgflags-dev libzstd-dev make clang pkg-config libssl-dev
Install RocksDB
git clone
cd rocksdb
make -j6 shared_lib
git clone
cd deb-buildscripts
Configure RocksDB - this (setting the data dir and options) is all done in the source code, as per the example below. There is nothing to do here ... please move to the next section.
let path = "/media/nvme/ssvm_database";
let db = DB::open_default(path).unwrap();
let mut opts = Options::default();