This package provides an interface with PYTHIA, HepMC, Delphes and FastJet to easily generate events, yielding particles as numpy record arrays, perform detector simulation, jet clustering, and jet image construction. Each stage is a standard python generator function and they can be chained together and customized. You may perform jet clustering directly on the final state visible PYTHIA particles or on calorimeter towers simulated by Delphes. At each stage the output is a standard numpy record array of particles, calorimeter towers, or jets, making it easy to interface with other scientific python packages.
Contributions are welcome! This code was behind the results shown in and inspired by the original work in At the core of deepjets the interfaces with PYTHIA, HepMC, Delphes and FastJet could be useful in other contexts and should probably be factored out into a separate lightweight package. Feel free to open a pull request or use this code for your own studies.
If you use this software in your own work, please cite the following:
@article{PhysRevD.95.014018, title = {Parton shower uncertainties in jet substructure analyses with deep neural networks}, author = {Barnard, James and Dawe, Edmund Noel and Dolan, Matthew J. and Rajcic, Nina}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {95}, issue = {1}, pages = {014018}, numpages = {9}, year = {2017}, month = {Jan}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.95.014018}, url = {} }
See below for instructions on using the existing setup on the UI.
Install boost, CGAL and GMP. On a Debian-based system (Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev libcgal11v5 libgmp-dev libgmp10
on an RPM-based system (Fedora):
sudo dnf install gmp.x86_64 gmp-devel.x86_64 CGAL.x86_64 CGAL-devel.x86_64
or on Mac OS:
brew install cgal gmp boost wget
Set up the environment variables (always do this, even after installing for the first time) by sourcing If desired, first change the software installation path at the top of the file. Then run:
export DEEPJETS_SFT_DIR=/path/to/hep/software source
Install PYTHIA and
FastJet and HepMC
with the
If you don't have pip installed, do the following:
curl -O python --user
If this isn't in your .bashrc already, add it:
export PATH=~/.local/bin${PATH:+:$PATH}
Install HDF5 (we use this to store the jet images and neural nets). On Debian-based systems:
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
On RPM-based systems:
sudo dnf install hdf5.x86_64 hdf5-devel.x86_64
On Mac OS:
brew install hdf5
Install required Python packages:
pip install --user cython numpy scipy matplotlib scikit-image h5py pydot dask cloudpickle toolz blessings progressbar2 scikit-learn
Finally, install the latest Theano and keras:
pip install --user -U pip install --user -U pip install pyparsing==1.5.7
Activate the environment:
export DEEPJETS_SFT_DIR=/path/to/hep/software source
and compile:
For example, to generate Pythia events (remove --batch long
to run
interactively instead of on the batch system):
generate --batch long --random-state 100 w.config --events 1000 --output w_100.h5 --params "PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 230;PhaseSpace:pTHatMax = 320"
See the pythia:
rule in the Makefile for a complete sample generation.
To then reconstruct and cluster events in HDF5 files (Pythia events) or HepMC files:
cluster --batch long --delphes --jet-size 1.0 --subjet-size 0.3 --subjet-pt-min-fraction 0.05 --delphes-config delphes_card_ATLAS_NoFastJet.tcl w_100.h5 cluster --batch long --delphes --jet-size 1.0 --subjet-size 0.3 --subjet-pt-min-fraction 0.05 --delphes-config delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp_NoFastJet.tcl --suffix pileup w_100.h5
The first command above runs the reconstruction and clustering without pileup.
The second command turns on pileup. These commands will create the files
and w_100_j1p0_sj0p30_delphes_jets_pileup.h5
Create HDF5 files containing jet images with imgify
imgify --batch long w_100_j1p0_sj0p30_delphes_jets_pileup.h5
That will create a file named
Merge multiple images files (from different jobs using different random seeds, for example) into one dataset with the sample merge
sample --batch long merge -o w_j1p0_sj0p30_delphes_jets_images.h5 w_[0-9]*delphes_jets_images.h5
Finally, to apply a network on datasets of images:
apply-network --batch long /coepp/cephfs/mel/edawe/deepjets/models/delphes_m_50_110/delphes_nozoom_a34d582c72fe4d438ae37f2409a62c9c_lr0.001_bs100 w_j1p0_sj0p30_delphes_jets_* qcd_j1p0_sj0p30_delphes_jets_*
That will create a *_proba.h5
file containing network scores per input images dataset file.
After making changes to package versions, the event generation code, etc the events produced for a fixed random seed might begin to differ. Check for differences with a reference event as follows:
./generate qcd.config --write-hepmc --events 1 --random-state 101 diff qcd.hepmc qcd.hepmc.reference
Install Herwig with:
Do this after installing the other externals with the
mentioned above.
On the Melbourne UI, Herwig has its own environment since it didn't seem to
play nice with the default environment from source
So run Herwig in a fresh terminal after the following:
source /data/edawe/public/software/hep/herwig/bin/activate