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Important considerations:

  • Make a Procfile. If not, ensure the package-json file has a "scripts": "node [].js" configuration
  • When adding new dependencies, make sure you run 'npm install [] --save' to save the dependencies in the node_modules
  • When using express, you have to listen to listen(process.env.PORT || 5000) to listen locally at 5000 and for the open port given
  • When using mongodb, ensure your cluster has Network Access set to ALL users.

API Endpoints

User Object

Key Value Type Value Description
_id string The user's id.
username string The user's username.
password string The user's password.
email string The user's email.
phone_number string The user's phone number.
loggedIn boolean True, if the user is logged in; False, otherwise.
balance float The amount (in $CAD) in the user's account.
flagged boolean True, if the user's account has been flagged for suspicious activity; False, otherwise.
verified boolean True, if user has verified account by typing in verification number, false otherwise
verification_number int32 Number given randomly for verification

Order Object

Key Value Type Value Description
_id string The user's id.
time Date Time when order was created.
beverage string The name of the beverage.
size string The size of the beverage.
details string Details associated to the order (ex. 1 milk).
restaurant string Location where to get the beverage from.
library string The library where to drop off the beverage.
floor string The floor in the library to drop off the beverage.
segment string The area on the floor where to find the creator.
cost int32 The cost of the beverage - including tip and tax.
status string The status of the order in relation to where the delivery person is with the delivery.
creator string User who created the order.
delivery_boy string Runner who will deliver the order.

GET /getUser

Usage Parameters Returns
Get a user. user_id User Object
Please input correct password.
Have to be logged in to get user information.

GET /getOrder

Usage Parameters Returns
Get all open orders. None Array of all open orders.

GET /getUsers

| Usage | Parameters | Returns | | Get all users of CoffeeRun. | none | Array of users |


GET /getRating

Usage Parameters Returns
Get the overall delivery rating of a person. delivery_id int score
No delivery user exists.
No ratings for this user.

GET /getCurrentOrderStatus

Usage Parameters Returns
Get the status of the specified order. 'order_id' String order_status
Order does not exist.

GET /getNumberCurrentRunners

Usage Parameters Returns
Get number of distinct active runners. None Int 'runnerNumber'

GET /getNumberOfAllOpenOrders

Usage Parameters Returns
Get number of open orders. None Int 'numberOrders'

GET /getOrdersByLibrary

Usage Parameters Returns
Get orders for library. 'library' Array of orders for designated library.
Please input a library.

GET /getOrderByUser

Usage Parameters Returns
Get order for designated user. 'user_id' Object of order.
User does not exist.

GET /getOrderDelivery

Usage Parameters Returns
Get all orders associated to a deliery user. 'user_id' Array of all orders.
User does not exist.

POST /createUser

Usage Parameters Returns
Create a new user account. username, password, email, phone_numb string 'User id for database'
Please fill in the username.
Please enter an appropriate password.
Please enter an appropriate email.
Please enter an appropriate phone number.

POST /updateUser

Usage Parameters Returns
Update a user's account. id, username, password string 'Successfully updated credentials.'
Incorrect credentials.
You have to be logged in to change credentials.
You cannot update your account with a pending order.
You cannot update your account while delivering.
New username is already taken.
No change in user profile has been found.

POST /verify

Usage Parameters Returns
Verify users account. user_id, verification_number Successfully verified
Incorrect verification code. It has been resent.

POST /login

Usage Parameters Returns
Login to a user's account. username, password string user_id
Incorrect credentials.
This account has been flagged.
Incorrect username.
Already loggged in.
Please verify your account: ' + record.phone_number

POST /logout

Usage Parameters Returns
Logout of a user's account. user_id string 'Successfully logged out.'
Incorrect credentials.
Already loggged out.

DELETE /deleteUser

Usage Parameters Returns
Delete a user's account. user_id string 'Successfully deleted.'
Incorrect credentials.
You have to be logged in to delete your account.
You have to be logged in to delete your account.
You cannot delete your account with a pending order.

POST /makeReview

Usage Parameters Returns
Add a review. username, review string 'Thank you for your review.'
Please write a review.
You have to be logged in to delete your account.
You have to be logged in to delete your account.
You cannot delete your account with a pending order.

POST /createOrder

Usage Parameters Returns
Add an Order. user_id, beverage, size, details, restaurant, library, floor, segment, cost string 'ID of Order'
User does not exist.
User must be logged in to create order.
Please fill in the beverage.
Please fill in the size.
Please fill in details or indicate N/A if none.
Please enter the restaurant.
Please enter the floor you are on.
Please enter the segment you are in.
Please enter the cost.
Not enough funds.
You are already delivering orders. Please finish or cancel.
You already have a pending order.

POST /updateOrder

Usage Parameters Returns
Update an Order. order_id, username, beverage, status, size, details, restaurant, library, floor, segment, cost string 'Order successfully updated.'
Order does not exist.
Please enter the status.
Please fill in the beverage.
Please fill in the size.
Please fill in details or indicate N/A if none.
Please enter the restaurant.
Please enter the floor you are on.
Please enter the segment you are in.
Please enter the cost.
Not enough funds.
Only user:'+username+ ' can update their order.
Cannot update order while delivery in progress.

POST /attachDelivery

Usage Parameters Returns
Attach an order to a delivery user. order_id, delivery_id string 'Delivery user on route to deliver ('+(1+num_attached_delivery)+'/3)'
Please enter the order_id.
Please enter the delivery_id.
Order does not exist.
There is a delivery user already on route.
Delivery user does not exist.
Delivery account is flagged.
Delivery user is not logged in.
Last transaction was flagged. Please contact us.
Your balance is incorrect and has been flagged.
You cannot order and deliver the same item.
Maximum orders for: ' + delivery_record.username + ' is 3.
Delivery user has a pending order. Cancel before delivering.

POST /detachDelivery

Usage Parameters Returns
Detach an order from a delivery user. order_id, delivery_id string 'Detached successfully.'
Order does not exist.
Delivery user does not exist.
Delivery user must be logged in to cancel delivery.
No assigned delivery users.
Only the delivery user can cancel a delivery.

POST /markInProgress

Usage Parameters Returns
Update order state to "In Progress". order_id, delivery_id string 'Order status successfully updated to: ' + status.'
Order does not exist.
Delivery user does not exist.
Only the runner can update the order status.

POST /markPickedUp

Usage Parameters Returns
Update order state to "Picked Up". order_id, delivery_id string 'Order status successfully updated to: ' + status.'
Order does not exist.
Delivery user does not exist.
Only the runner can update the order status.

POST /markDelivered

Usage Parameters Returns
Update order state to "Delivered". order_id, delivery_id string 'Order status successfully updated to: ' + status.'
Order does not exist.
Delivery user does not exist.
Only the runner can update the order status.

DELETE /deleteOrder

Usage Parameters Returns
Delete order. order_id, username string 'Successfully deleted order.'
Order does not exist.
Only user:'+username+ ' can delete their order.
Cannot delete order as it is being delivered.

POST /withdraw

Usage Parameters Returns
Withdraw funds from an account and saves transaction. user_id, fund string 'New balance: ' + parseFloat(final_balance)'
User does not exist.
User must be logged in to withdraw funds.
Please withdraw between $0.00 and $50.00.
You do not enough enough funds to withdraw: ' + funds
User is flagged.
Last transaction was flagged. Please contact us.
Your balance is incorrect and has been flagged.

POST /deposit

Usage Parameters Returns
Deposit funds from an account and saves transaction. user_id, fund string 'New balance: ' + parseFloat(final_balance)'
User does not exist.
User must be logged in to deposit funds.
User is flagged.
Please deposit between $0.00 and $50.00.
Last transaction was flagged. Please contact us.
Your balance is incorrect and has been flagged.

POST /completeOrder

Usage Parameters Returns
Complete the order, transfer payments, and save transaction. user_id, delivery_id, order_id, rating string 'Successfully completed transaction.'
Please enter user_id.
Please enter delivery_id.
Please enter order_id.
Please give a rating between 0 and 5.
Order does not exist.
Cannot complete an order if no delivery person is assigned.
Please update the order status to "Delivered".
User does not exist.
Orderer must be logged in to complete a transaction.
User does not have enough funds.
User did not create the order.
User does not exist.
Delivery user has to be logged in to complete order.
Delivery user does not exist.
Last transaction was flagged. Please contact us.
Your balance is incorrect and has been flagged.

POST /clean

Usage Parameters Returns
Re activates a flagged users account, deleting previous transactions. user_id string 'Account: ' + user_record.username + ' has been reactivated.'
User does not exist.
User not flagged.

GET /getVendors

Usage Parameters Returns
Get list of vendors to display None Array of vendors

GET /getBeverageInfo

Usage Parameters Returns
Get list of beverages for a given vendor and the allocated sizes vendor Array of cell 1: distinct beverages, cell 2: distinct sizes

GET /getSize

Usage Parameters Returns
Get list of beverages for a given vendor and beverage vendor, beverage Array of distinct sizes for the specific vendor

GET /getPriceOfBeverage

Usage Parameters Returns
Get the price of the specified beverage vendor, beverage, size returns an double for the price of the beverage

GET /getLibraryInformation

Usage Parameters Returns
Get all library information None returns a JSON object of all the information of the libraries. Floors, segments, etc.


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