Complete reimplementation of Login
in Go using in our applications.
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:sdslabs/nymeria.git
Enter the directory and download the vendor files
cd nymeria/
make vendor
Copy the contents of config.sample.yaml
to config.yaml
cp config.sample.yaml config.yaml
Build the binary using the command.
make build
Run the binary using the command
make run
To perform lint and formatting of the code, install golangci-lint using the command
make install-golangci-lint
To lint the code, run the command
make lint
To format the code, run the command
make format
Add new packages to the repository using the command
go get -u <package_path>
Hot reloading support
- run the following command to install
(hot reload support)
make install-air
- run the following command to run nymeria with
(hot reload support)
make dev
Clone the ory/kratos repository
git clone
Enter the Kratos directory and Change the Kratos Version to v0.10.0
cd kratos
git checkout v1.3.1
Download the dependencies
go mod download
go install -tags sqlite,json1,hsm .
Add the kratos binary to your Path
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/kratos help
Copy the Kratos config file and identity schema from nymeria
cp ../nymeria/config/kratos_config.yaml ./contrib/quickstart/kratos/email-password/kratos.yml
cp ../nymeria/config/identity.schema.json ./contrib/quickstart/kratos/email-password/identity.schema.json
Run the following command to use Kratos in containerized form
docker compose -f quickstart.yml -f quickstart-standalone.yml -f quickstart-postgres.yml up --build --force-recreate