This project provides Java tooling/libraries for the Scribble multi-party protocol definition language.
First step is to clone this git repository locally. Once available, run the following maven command to build the project:
mvn [clean] install
The distribution will be available from the folder scribble-dist/target. The contents of the zip is:
- lib jars needed to run the scribble-java tool
- script for running the command line tool
Assuming has been extracted from the above zip:
List command line options.
./ --help
Assuming a Scribble module file Test.scr in the same directory:
Check well-formedness of global protocols in module Test.scr.
./ Test.scr
Note: try the -V command line flag to obtain full traces for errors (and other details).
Project local protocol for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr
./ Test.scr -project Proto C
Print (a dot representation of) the Endpoint FSM for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr
./ Test.scr -fsm Proto C
Generate Java Endpoint API for role "C" of protocol "Proto" in Test.scr
./ -d . Test.scr -api Proto C
Note: omitting the -d argument will print the output to stdout.
To write a HelloWorld protocol in Test.scr (e.g., for the commands listed above):
echo 'module Test; global protocol Proto(role C, role S) { Hello() from C to S; }' > Test.scr
Further examples can be found in:
The distribution zip does not include these examples. They can be obtained as part of the source repository, or separately via the above link.
E.g. To generate the Java Endpoint API for role "C" in the "Adder" protocol from the Scribble-Java tutorial (
./ scribble-demos/scrib/tutorial/src/tutorial/adder/Adder.scr
-d scribble-demos/scrib/tutorial/src/ -api Adder C
To run the Scribble tool directly via java, try
./ --verbose [args]
to see the underlying java command with main class, classpath and other args.
Or try (from Nick Ng):
mvn dependency:build-classpath -Dmdep.outputFile=classpath
java -cp $(cat dist/classpath) org.scribble.cli.CommandLine [args] MyModule.scr
Bugs and issues can be reported via the github Issues facility.
Or email r.z.h.hu1234 [at] excluding the 1234.