The script was run repeatedly in two settings: On dandihub and on a laptop in a home network. The results are in results_dandihub.txt and results_home_network.txt, respectively.
Below is a summary of the average timings. My assessment is that remfile appears to be faster for initial load time while fsspec method appears to be faster for reading a 30 second sample of ephys data. On the home network, the fsspec method appears to be substantially slower than the remfile method for the initial load time.
Some limitations:
- Only applied to a single NWB file
- Only ran a limited number of trials
- Only ran on a single home network
- Didn't test ros3 method yet
On dandihub
Average Initial Load Time:
- fsspec: 7.74 seconds
- remfile: 6.14 seconds
Average 30sec Sample Read Time:
- fsspec: 7.90 seconds
- remfile: 8.20 seconds
On Jeremy's Home Network
Average Initial Load Time:
- fsspec: 37.23 seconds
- remfile: 9.42 seconds
Average 30sec Sample Read Time:
- fsspec: 47.61 seconds
- remfile: 56.95 seconds