This tutorial is written with Sphinx (
For more detailed information go to the project-wiki at .
- base: The makefile and readme are located at the base.
- build: Here goes all rendered output. Usually there will be sub-folders for different formates, e.g.: html, latex and doctrees
- source: The actual source-code is located here. It is structured as a standard sphinx - project.
- extra-documents: This folder is reserved for additional documents. Currently it holds some graphviz-dot diagrams that show the structure of the example CouchApp.
Before building always make do make clean
. Sphinx does not overwrite used images or file-attachments but adds an incremet to their name. This leads to wrongly named files and unnecessary images.
To make a html-build just enter make html
. You will find the complete tutorial rendered in html in the sub-folder build/html
. Open it with the file index.html
To generate a very nicely formatted latex (book) version of the tutorial, enter make latex
. A latex document will be generated inside build/latex
. You can open the *.tex file in your favorite latex editor and render it or just use pdflaex.