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LuaMachine Unreal Engine debugging

Debugging LuaMachine in VSCode



Visual Studio Code

  1. Install the Lua Debugger extension by devcat, you can easily do this by searching within VSCode's Extension manager for publisher:"devCAT" and installing the Lua Debugger you find.
  2. For best results, open the root Lua directory of your game project as the root of your VSCode project.
  3. Lua Debugger


Luasocket is a C-based extension library for Lua that needs to be compiled.


  1. Clone the luasocket repo into your Plugins/LuaMachine/Source/ThirdParty directory, so it may look like Plugins/LuaMachine/Source/ThirdParty/luasocket

  2. Open an x64 Native Tools Command Prompt, which is available from your Visual Studio installation

  3. Navigate to your luasocket directory in your terminal.

  4. Build luasocket by running these commands


    msbuild socket.vcxproj -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=x64 -p:LUALIBNAME=liblua53_win64.lib -p:LUAINC=../lua -p:LUALIB=../x64


    msbuild socket.vcxproj -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=x64 -p:PlatformToolset=v142 -p:LUALIBNAME=liblua53_win64.lib -p:LUAINC=../lua -p:LUALIB=../x64
  5. Close the terminal

  6. Create a new directory called socket inside of your UnrealEngine Binaries folder. E.g.: UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\socket and then copy your luasocket/x64/Release/socket/core.dll into that new folder. core.dll will be loaded at runtime when you require it in your lua code.

  7. Copy all of the .lua files from luasocket/src into your Project's root lua directory (this may be your Content folder, or it may be something else depending on your settings)


not tested

  1. WIP, but the concept is the same as above. Make your core.dylib available to the UE binaries in a socket folder.


not tested

  1. WIP, but the concept is the same as above. Make your available to the UE binaries in a socket folder.

Lua Debugger

  1. From this repo, grab dkjson.lua and vscode-debuggee.lua, and copy them into your project's root lua directory (again, it may be your Content folder, or something else depending on what you've setup)


  1. In your LuaState, ensure these are disabled: Enable Line Hook, Enable Call Hook, Enable Return Hook.
  2. Setup your LuaState to run a CodeAsset or Lua file. The contents of this file can be anything, but somewhere you'll want to initialize the debugger with this code:
    local json = require 'dkjson'
    local debuggee = require 'vscode-debuggee'
    local debuggeeConfig = {
        luaMachineRoot = '<your lua scripts root here>'
    local startResult, breakerType = debuggee.start(json, debuggeeConfig)
    print('debuggee start result: ', startResult, breakerType)
    note: replace <your lua scripts root here> with the root of your lua scripts. For example, if you're using Content/Scripts as the root for all your lua scripts, supply 'Scripts', if you're just using your entire Content directory as the root of your lua scripts then just supply ''
  3. Because of lazy loading, you'll probably want to initialize your LuaState's code early. I do this in my GameInstance so that this is initialized extremely early: FLuaMachineModule::Get().GetLuaState(LuaState, GetWorld());, you can do this also in blueprint in your gamemode's begin play, but your debugging session won't happen until it hits this code.


  1. With your lua scripts directory as the root of your VSCode project, run the wait configuration. This will constantly wait for a connection from your Unreal Project, and it will automatically restart when you exit Play.
  2. Set some breakpoints
  3. Play in UE editor.
  4. Your breakpoints should get hit.

note: if for some reason you don't have the wait configuration, ensure you have the devcat Lua Debugger installed. You can put this in your launch.json, but it should already be there from the Lua Debugger extension.

    "name": "wait",
    "type": "lua",
    "request": "attach",
    "workingDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}",
    "sourceBasePath": "${workspaceRoot}",
    "listenPublicly": false,
    "listenPort": 56789,
    "encoding": "UTF-8"


Visual Studio Code debugger extension for Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3






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  • C# 60.6%
  • Lua 39.3%
  • Batchfile 0.1%