Personal Pomodoro Productivity Manager (3PM) is a task-based productivity timer. It furthermore allows to simulate the likely completion of a task using the accuracy of earlier estimates.
The idea that productivity can best be maintained maintained with highly concentrated work sessions which are interrupted by short breaks is the basis of the pomodoro technique. 3PM is a task list and pomodoro timer. The completion probability of tasks is simulated lending some ideas from Evidence-based scheduling (Cumulative Distribution Function of completion date, obtained using Monte-Carlo Simulation).
- add tasks you want to work on
- you can enter a title and note for each task
- enter the number of sessions you plan to spend on each task
- click 'Start' and start working until the session is over
- take a short break and repeat
- when you are finished with a task click 'Finished'
- for each finished task, 3PM learns a velocity rating
(the ratio of your actually needed to planned sessions)
- for new tasks, you get a probability distribution based on your old ratings
(in the lower right, corresponding to 25%,50%,75%,100% quantiles)
- this tells you how many sessions you will at most need
(with the corresponding probability)
Find out more on the official website!
On Github releases, you have the choice of:
- self-extracing archive of the portable app
- standalone executable packaged with Enigma Virtual Box (some antivirus tools might give a false alarm!)
Use the provided apk from Github releases.
- python=2.7
- docutils
- pygments
- kivy
- plyer<1.3.0
Install 3PM using virtualenv and pip:
virtualenv 3pm_env
source 3pm_env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
pip install docutils pygments
pip install kivy
pip install 'plyer<1.3.0'
git clone
python 3pm/src/
Use the provided dmg from Github releases.
Use the provided ipa from Github releases.