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Platform: Magento CE/EE
Versions supported: 1.6.x-1.9.x / 1.10-1.14.x
Developer: Scandiweb.com
Magento does not have default Navigation structure except for output of Catalog tree. However, each project that is at least one step further from default Magento needs additional options for creating navigation tree e.g. adding links to CMS pages, adding links to non-catalog pages and keeping it all in hierarchy with active menu item highlighted, being able to set order for menu items, create several menus for one store and different menus per store view, etc. This extension addresses this needs.
As a site visitor, you will get convenient navigation. There can be different navigation blocks on the site, if necessary. As a store owner, you are able to create an unlimited number of navigation blocks per website or store, add menu items, set URLs for them, enable/disable, set CSS class, set the order of display. As a developer you will get easy to customize module, it does not have pre-defined strict front end design, so it is up to you how to render it, but you can choose several layouts: horizontal, vertical, or plain output.
After installation extension is available in Admin -> CMS -> Menus, where you can add Menus, and once added, create menu items and set their hierarchy e.g. root level, or 2nd-3rd-4th-... level sub-menu item, where root level means menu item is shown on the top level.
As a developer you can add menu via XML, directly in the template or in CMS using Magento short-code - see examples below.
Add within layout files (f.e. theme local.xml):
<block type="scandi_menumanager/menu" name="menu_name">
<action method="setMenuId">
Add menu using Magento shortcode (f.e. within CMS block):
{{block type="scandi_menumanager/menu" name="menu_name" menu_id="menu_identifier"}}
Add menu directly into template:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('scandi_menumanager/menu')->setMenuId('menu_identifier')->toHtml(); ?>
Add same menu multiple times having different output type:
<!-- Menu 1 displayed in header as horizontal menu -->
<reference name="header">
<block type="scandi_menumanager/menu" name="menu_header">
<action method="setMenuId">
<!-- We use same menu but will show as vertical type -->
<reference name="right">
<block type="scandi_menumanager/menu" name="menu_right">
<action method="setMenuId">
<!-- Set new type like this -->
<action method="setCustomType">
Create menu and menu items using Magento models (useful for data migration):
//Create Menu
$menu = Mage::getModel('scandi_menumanager/menu')->load('menu_identifier')
->setTitle('Menu Title') //menu title
->setStores(array(0)) //array of store ids - 0 for all stores
->setType('none') //none, vertical or horizontal - 'none' used by default
->setCssClass('menu-class') //ignore this line if you do not need to add css classes
->setIsActive('1') //menu will be active by default, add this line if you want it disabled
//Add Menu Item
->setIdentifier('item_identifier') //items are identified by identifiers, attribute is not visible in admin
->setMenuId($menu->getId()) //set previously created menu as item's parent, we need to know the id
->setParentId('0') //set item's parent item, 0 stands for root level, 0 used by default
->setTitle('Item Title')
->setUrl('/') //item's url, ignore for item w/o url, add '/' for base url item.
->setType('same_window') //link type - same_window or new_window, default same_window
->setCssClass('item-class') //ignore this line if you do not need to add css classes
->setPosition('0') //item's position depending of its parent, 0 default
->setIsActive(1) //menu item will be active by default