Tickets and patches are very welcome!
Metabrowse follows scalameta's contribution guidelines. Please read them for information about how to create good bug reports and submit pull requests.
For ideas of how to contribute, take a look at the list of tickets with the help wanted label.
Remember to run
Before raising a PR to ensure the code is formatted correctly (otherwise it will fail the checks)
To run metabrowse on corpus locally,
git clone
cd metabrowse
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install -g yarn
> metabrowse-site # generate static site under target/metabrowse.
> js/fastOptJS::startWebpackDevServer # spin up local file server that listens for changes.
> ~js/fastOptJS # compiles Scala.js application, browser refreshes on edit.
open http://localhost:8080
sbt cli/assembly
java -jar ./metabrowse-cli/target/scala-2.12/metabrowse.jar ...
Metabrowse interfaces with the Monaco Editor using a Scala.js facade based on the
TypeScript type definition file provided as part of the
NPM package. The facade can be generated with
scala-js-ts-importer, however, manual merging is necessary, since the facade
contains several custom tweaks.
The following instructions give a rough idea how to upgrade the monaco editor facades:
- Update the Monaco Editor version in
npmDependencies in Compile ++= Seq( "monaco-editor" -> "x.y.z", // ... )
- Update the NPM packages after cleaning to force download of the new version
$ sbt -batch clean js/compile:npmUpdate
- Run script to update the
fileThis might require tweaking the curated list of edits (the$ bin/
command in the script. - Fix the
package importedjs {}
code inserted by scala-js-ts-importer by manually editingMonaco.scala
- Reformat
$ bin/scalafmt metabrowse-js/src/main/scala/monaco/Monaco.scala
At this point merge the changes to Monaco.scala
using git add -i
or some
other tool, like tig
. Stage any newly introduced types or methods and revert
changes that remove tweaks, such as use of override
in front of clone