# Contributing

Tickets and patches are very welcome!

Metabrowse follows [scalameta's contribution guidelines]. Please read them for
information about how to create good bug reports and submit pull requests.

For ideas of how to contribute, take a look at the list of tickets with the
[<kbd>help wanted</kbd> label][help-wanted].

 [help-wanted]: https://github.com/scalameta/metabrowse/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22help+wanted%22
 [scalameta's contribution guidelines]: https://github.com/scalameta/scalameta/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

Remember to run


Before raising a PR to ensure the code is formatted correctly (otherwise it will fail the checks)

## Running locally

To run metabrowse on corpus locally,

git clone https://github.com/scalameta/metabrowse.git
cd metabrowse
git submodule init
git submodule update

npm install -g yarn

  > metabrowse-site                        # generate static site under target/metabrowse.
  > js/fastOptJS::startWebpackDevServer # spin up local file server that listens for changes.
  > ~js/fastOptJS                       # compiles Scala.js application, browser refreshes on edit.
open http://localhost:8080

## Packaging CLI Locally

sbt cli/assembly
java -jar ./metabrowse-cli/target/scala-2.12/metabrowse.jar ...

## Upgrading the Monaco Editor

Metabrowse interfaces with the Monaco Editor using a Scala.js facade based on the
`monaco.d.ts` TypeScript type definition file provided as part of the
`monaco-editor` NPM package. The facade can be generated with
[scala-js-ts-importer], however, manual merging is necessary, since the facade
contains several custom tweaks.

The following instructions give a rough idea how to upgrade the monaco editor

 - Update the Monaco Editor version in `build.sbt`
   npmDependencies in Compile ++= Seq(
     "monaco-editor" -> "x.y.z",
     // ...
 - Update the NPM packages after cleaning to force download of the new version
   $ sbt -batch clean js/compile:npmUpdate
 - Run script to update the `Monaco.scala` file
   $ bin/update-monaco-facade.sh
   This might require tweaking the curated list of edits (the `sed` command in
   the script.
 - Fix the `package importedjs {}` code inserted by [scala-js-ts-importer] by
   manually editing `Monaco.scala`
 - Reformat `Monaco.scala`
   $ bin/scalafmt metabrowse-js/src/main/scala/monaco/Monaco.scala

At this point merge the changes to `Monaco.scala` using `git add -i` or some
other tool, like `tig`. Stage any newly introduced types or methods and revert
changes that remove tweaks, such as use of `override` in front of `clone` and
`toString` methods.

 [scala-js-ts-importer]: https://github.com/sjrd/scala-js-ts-importer