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Merge pull request #197 from yazgoo/main
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add github dependency analysis
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adpi2 authored Nov 26, 2024
2 parents f52d706 + 5a403eb commit bb3df76
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Showing 2 changed files with 218 additions and 1 deletion.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/epfl/scala/AnalyzeDependencyGraph.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
package ch.epfl.scala

import java.nio.file.Paths

import scala.Console
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.sys.process._
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Properties
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try

import ch.epfl.scala.GithubDependencyGraphPlugin.autoImport._
import ch.epfl.scala.githubapi._
import gigahorse.FullResponse
import gigahorse.HttpClient
import sbt._
import sbt.internal.util.complete._
import sjsonnew.shaded.scalajson.ast.unsafe.JArray
import sjsonnew.shaded.scalajson.ast.unsafe.JField
import sjsonnew.shaded.scalajson.ast.unsafe.JObject
import sjsonnew.shaded.scalajson.ast.unsafe.JString
import{Parser => JsonParser}

object AnalyzeDependencyGraph {

val help =
"download and display CVEs alerts from Github, and analyze them against dependencies (use hub or gh local config or GIT_TOKEN env var to authenticate, requires githubGenerateSnapshot)"

case class AnalysisParams(repository: Option[String])

val AnalyzeDependencies = "githubAnalyzeDependencies"
private val AnalyzeDependenciesUsage =
s"""$AnalyzeDependencies [pattern]"""
private val AnalyzeDependenciesDetail = s"""Analyze the dependencies based on a search pattern:

val commands: Seq[Command] = Seq(
Command(AnalyzeDependencies, (AnalyzeDependenciesUsage, AnalyzeDependenciesDetail), AnalyzeDependenciesDetail)(

private def parser(state: State): Parser[AnalysisParams] =
Parsers.any.*.map { raw =>
raw.mkString.trim.split(" ").toSeq match {
case Seq("") | Nil => AnalysisParams(None)
case Seq(arg) => AnalysisParams(Some(arg))

private def analyzeDependencies(state: State, params: AnalysisParams): State = {
for {
repo <- params.repository.orElse(getGitHubRepo)
vulnerabilities <- downloadAlerts(state, repo) match {
case Success(v) => Some(v)
case Failure(e) =>
state.log.error(s"Failed to download alerts: ${e.getMessage}")
} yield analyzeCves(state, vulnerabilities)

private def analyzeCves(state: State, vulnerabilities: Seq[Vulnerability]): Unit = {
val artifacts = getAllArtifacts(state)
vulnerabilities.foreach { v =>
val (goodMatches, badMatches) = vulnerabilityMatchesArtifacts(v, artifacts)
if (goodMatches.nonEmpty || badMatches.nonEmpty) {
goodMatches.foreach(m => println(s" 🟢 ${m.replaceAll(".*@", "")}"))
badMatches.foreach(m => println(s" 🔴 ${m.replaceAll(".*@", "")}"))
} else {
println(" 🎉 no match (dependency was probably removed)")

private def getStateOrWarn[T](state: State, key: AttributeKey[T], what: String, command: String): Option[T] =
state.get(key).orElse {
println(s"🟠 No $what found, please run '$command' first")

private def downloadAlerts(state: State, repo: String): Try[Seq[Vulnerability]] = {
val snapshotUrl = s"$repo/dependabot/alerts"
val request =
Gigahorse.url(snapshotUrl).get.addHeaders("Authorization" -> s"token ${getGithubToken()}")"Downloading alerts from $snapshotUrl")
for {
httpResp <- Try(Await.result(http.processFull(request), Duration.Inf))
vulnerabilities <- getVulnerabilities(httpResp)
} yield {"Downloaded ${vulnerabilities.size} alerts")

case class Vulnerability(
packageId: String,
vulnerableVersionRange: String,
firstPatchedVersion: String,
severity: String
) {
def severityColor: String = severity match {
case "critical" => Console.RED
case "high" => Console.RED
case "medium" => Console.YELLOW
case "low" => Console.GREEN
case _ => Console.RESET

def coloredSeverity: String = s"${severityColor}${severity}${Console.RESET}"

def coloredPackageId: String = s"${Console.BLUE}$packageId${Console.RESET}"

override def toString: String =
s"${coloredPackageId} [ $vulnerableVersionRange ] fixed: $firstPatchedVersion $coloredSeverity"

private lazy val http: HttpClient = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)

def getGithubManifest(state: State): Seq[Map[String, Manifest]] =
getStateOrWarn(state, githubManifestsKey, "dependencies", SubmitDependencyGraph.Generate).toSeq

private def getGithubTokenFromFile(ghConfigFile: File): Option[String] = {
println(s"Extract token from ${ghConfigFile.getPath}")
if (ghConfigFile.exists()) {
} else None

private def getGithubToken(): String = {
val ghConfigDir =
Properties.envOrElse("GH_CONFIG_DIR", Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".config", "gh").toString)
val ghConfigFile = Paths.get(ghConfigDir).resolve("hosts.yml").toFile
getGithubTokenFromFile(ghConfigFile).getOrElse {
val ghConfigPath =
Properties.envOrElse("HUB_CONFIG", Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".config", "hub").toString)
val hubConfigFile = Paths.get(ghConfigPath).toFile

private def getAllArtifacts(state: State): Seq[String] =
getGithubManifest(state).flatMap { manifests =>
manifests.flatMap {
case (_, manifest) =>

private def translateToSemVer(string: String): String =
string.replaceAll("([a-zA-Z]+)", "0").replaceAll("([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)", "$1.$2.$3-$4")

private def versionMatchesRange(versionStr: String, rangeStr: String): Boolean = {
val range = rangeStr.replaceAll(" ", "").replace(",", " ")

private def vulnerabilityMatchesArtifacts(
alert: Vulnerability,
artifacts: Seq[String]
): (Seq[String], Seq[String]) = {
val alertMavenPath = s"pkg:maven/${alert.packageId.replace(":", "/")}@"
.partition { artifact =>
val version = artifact.replaceAll(".*@", "")
versionMatchesRange(version, alert.vulnerableVersionRange)

def getGitHubRepo: Option[String] = {
val remoteUrl = "git config --get remote.origin.url".!!.trim
val repoPattern = """(?:https://|git@)github\.com[:/](.+/.+)\.git""".r
remoteUrl match {
case repoPattern(repo) => Some(repo)
case _ => None

private def getVulnerabilities(httpResp: FullResponse): Try[Seq[Vulnerability]] = Try {
httpResp.status match {
case status if status / 100 == 2 =>
val json: JArray = JsonParser.parseFromByteBuffer(httpResp.bodyAsByteBuffer).get.asInstanceOf[JArray]
json.value.collect {
case obj: JObject if obj.value.collectFirst { case JField("state", JString("open")) => true }.isDefined =>
val securityVulnerability =
obj.value.collectFirst { case JField("security_vulnerability", secVuln: JObject) => secVuln }.get.value
val packageObj =
securityVulnerability.collectFirst { case JField("package", pkg: JObject) => pkg }.get.value
val firstPatchedVersion = securityVulnerability
.collectFirst { case JField("first_patched_version", firstPatched: JObject) => firstPatched }
.map(_.value.collectFirst { case JField("identifier", JString(ident)) => ident }.getOrElse(""))
packageObj.collectFirst { case JField("name", JString(name)) => name }.get,
securityVulnerability.collectFirst {
case JField("vulnerable_version_range", JString(range)) => range
securityVulnerability.collectFirst { case JField("severity", JString(sev)) => sev }.get
case _ =>
val message =
s"Unexpected status ${httpResp.status} ${httpResp.statusText} with body:\n${httpResp.bodyAsString}"
throw new MessageOnlyException(message)

private def githubToken(): String = Properties.envOrElse("GITHUB_TOKEN", "")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ object GithubDependencyGraphPlugin extends AutoPlugin {

override def globalSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Def.settings(
githubStoreDependencyManifests := storeManifestsTask.evaluated,
Keys.commands ++= SubmitDependencyGraph.commands
Keys.commands ++= SubmitDependencyGraph.commands ++ AnalyzeDependencyGraph.commands

override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Def.settings(
Expand Down

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