To symlink all the important files for the first time
Fish Shell Installation:
brew install fish
add the shell to the system know shells: echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
make fish your default shell:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
The Fish Shell configuration folder is located under: ~/.config/fish/
The main configuration file is: ~/.config/fish/
, with 2 other sourced files:
source ~/.fish_aliases
source ~/.fish_variables
Install Oh my fish
curl -L | fish
Install Bob the fish
omf install bobthefish
brew install tmux
Install Tmux plugin manager. Instructions here:
Install Tmux Themepack. Instructions here:
Install Powerline fonts.
# clone
git clone --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
Get the latest version at
Download a theme from here:
Or use one of the files in the repo. TheOne.itermcolors
or ayu.itermcolors
Make sure to change the font to Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Complete Mono
or Meslo LG L DZ Regular for Powerline
(Or one of the other Meslo fonts) so the custom characters work.
Grab a nerd fonts here:
Also, make sure to turn on the option: General > Selection > Applications in terminal may access clipboard
Install the latest vim from Homebrew:
$ brew install vim
or neovim
Install Plug:
sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'
Create the following folders as set in the .vimrc
set backupdir=~/.vim/backups
set directory=~/.vim/swaps
set undodir=~/.vim/undo
Follow the setup for One Dark syntax theme. There are two files to copy to your ~/.vim folder
All the plugins are defined using Minpac in the conf. You should just be able to run :PackUpdate
in vim and it will install the plugins.
The only exception being the YouCompleteMe
plugin where I had to actually run ./
from ~/.vim/pack/minpac/start/YouCompleteMe
after it was downloaded.
Get italics working
Syntax highlighting in FZF preview windows:
$ gem install rouge
In order for :Ag to run you need to:
brew install the_silver_searcher
Install Karabiner and use config file in .config/