1.0.0-alpha.5 (2023-12-07)
- handle credential_types check when using default (#197)
- expose IErrorState in react package (#192) (5531d8c)
- fix example app ID & allow passing on Next example (#196) (eb053c6)
- handle credential_types check when using default (#197) (984a190)
- update dev instructions in readme (#193) (660ffa6)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2023-12-01)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-12-01)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2023-11-30)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-11-27)
- rename phone credential to device & misc improvements (#169)
- migrate to WalletConnect v2 (#53)
- custom validation logic, call for code, fixes (#31)
- Add docstrings (#121) (d5e2012)
- add error states (#11) (0ee685d)
- add MIT license (#35) (7c3ae3d)
- add opt-in telemetry (#24) (081a5ef)
- basic error states (#9) (eca0d22)
- basic tests (#104) (e8e30d0)
- bump deps & remove unused (#98) (29264f5)
- bundle size analyzer and reduce (#46) (c7fe058)
- connect IDKit JS with SMS API (#6) (d1167f2)
- copy QR code on desktop (#107) (2dba987)
- credential selections support & new UI (#48) (13c7dcd)
- custom validation logic, call for code, fixes (#31) (d6f1b56)
- error handling (#167) (3360eaf)
- error handling (#92) (efba436)
- experimental mode selection (#115) (bff8c71)
- export main hashing functions (#58) (298eeef)
- fix release-please (#113) (dca5c0f)
- i18n (#125) (1101350)
- Improvements to IDKit JS v0 (#16) (2a4d989)
- Lens readme (#18) (fcb6c9c)
- Migrate to app_id architecture, remove external phone support & more (#61) (89c7111)
- migrate to WalletConnect v2 (#53) (40664f7)
- minor refactors & v0.0.1 publish (#20) (cb6a59e)
- misc changes (#43) (aec2763)
- Orb signal support (#22) (4e13ce3)
- phone credential type (#87) (9b42876)
- Privacy Policy (#28) (fa8d78d)
- remove logo from qr (#82) (070b88e)
- rename phone credential to device & misc improvements (#169) (d6ab268)
- Replaced generic error toast with custom error stages (#32) (35ca61b)
- Separate into core/react/standalone, switch to bridge & more (#156) (7b1c5d6)
- set package privacy & send
by default (#175) (8a38ff3) - show toast with animation (#13) (f2963d4)
- Sign in with World ID (Alpha) (#70) (419627a)
- UI tweaks (#91) (22b2fed)
- update logos to new branding (#124) (0c36052)
- update readme (#101) (b4c153e)
- @stitches/react should be a dep (#73) (b9cf3cc)
- Add cjs target (#93) (cb1bb90)
- add cssstylesheet polyfill (#10) (64e6540)
- add if to release workflow (#132) (418fe04)
- country selector (#12) (75cb168)
- Design and WC bugs (#51) (de74902)
- fixes core and standalone packages; adds pre-publish script (#176) (9dd7a96)
- infinite credential types (#95) (641bdbb)
- make hook complimentary to component (#56) (0b69dbd)
- missaligned if in workflow (#119) (9be5317)
- mobile styles (#14) (b27d241)
- move internal functions to main (#63) (9feec7c)
- move publish into release workflow (#118) (9c9b417)
- new release-please config (#89) (221c557)
- qr code copied animation (#158) (f09401f)
- qr logo positioning (#79) (45db408)
- qrcode dark mode styles (#96) (0776348)
- remove a bunch of unused phone code (#83) (59f3ac0)
- remove unused error codes (#81) (9a2b967)
- render qrcode with png image instead of svg (#54) (ea0c6ec)
- spinner size (#100) (1fa1c1d)
- success callback (#65) (552de7e)
- types (#75) (a2503da)
- Update SignInWithWorldID.tsx (#110) (ac9c69c), closes #109
- zustand import (#47) (8d8f829)
- bootstrap releases for path: . (#178) (3a1441f)
- release 0.4.9 (b94084e)
- release 1.0.0-alpha.1 (#179) (b7b6d44)
0.4.9 (2023-06-14)
- Add docstrings (#121) (d5e2012)
- basic tests (#104) (e8e30d0)
- bump deps & remove unused (#98) (29264f5)
- copy QR code on desktop (#107) (2dba987)
- error handling (#92) (efba436)
- experimental mode selection (#115) (bff8c71)
- fix release-please (#113) (dca5c0f)
- i18n (#125) (1101350)
- phone credential type (#87) (9b42876)
- remove logo from qr (#82) (070b88e)
- UI tweaks (#91) (22b2fed)
- update logos to new branding (#124) (0c36052)
- update readme (#101) (b4c153e)
- Add cjs target (#93) (cb1bb90)
- add if to release workflow (#132) (418fe04)
- infinite credential types (#95) (641bdbb)
- missaligned if in workflow (#119) (9be5317)
- move publish into release workflow (#118) (9c9b417)
- new release-please config (#89) (221c557)
- qr logo positioning (#79) (45db408)
- qrcode dark mode styles (#96) (0776348)
- remove a bunch of unused phone code (#83) (59f3ac0)
- remove unused error codes (#81) (9a2b967)
- spinner size (#100) (1fa1c1d)
- Update SignInWithWorldID.tsx (#110) (ac9c69c), closes #109
- release 0.4.9 (b94084e)
0.4.9 (2023-06-08)
- Add docstrings (#121) (d5e2012)
- basic tests (#104) (e8e30d0)
- bump deps & remove unused (#98) (29264f5)
- copy QR code on desktop (#107) (2dba987)
- error handling (#92) (efba436)
- experimental mode selection (#115) (bff8c71)
- fix release-please (#113) (dca5c0f)
- i18n (#125) (1101350)
- phone credential type (#87) (9b42876)
- remove logo from qr (#82) (070b88e)
- UI tweaks (#91) (22b2fed)
- update logos to new branding (#124) (0c36052)
- update readme (#101) (b4c153e)
- Add cjs target (#93) (cb1bb90)
- infinite credential types (#95) (641bdbb)
- missaligned if in workflow (#119) (9be5317)
- move publish into release workflow (#118) (9c9b417)
- new release-please config (#89) (221c557)
- qr logo positioning (#79) (45db408)
- qrcode dark mode styles (#96) (0776348)
- remove a bunch of unused phone code (#83) (59f3ac0)
- remove unused error codes (#81) (9a2b967)
- spinner size (#100) (1fa1c1d)
- Update SignInWithWorldID.tsx (#110) (ac9c69c), closes #109
- release 0.4.9 (b94084e)
0.4.9 (2023-04-27)
- basic tests (#104) (e8e30d0)
- bump deps & remove unused (#98) (29264f5)
- copy QR code on desktop (#107) (2dba987)
- error handling (#92) (efba436)
- experimental mode selection (#115) (bff8c71)
- fix release-please (#113) (dca5c0f)
- phone credential type (#87) (9b42876)
- remove logo from qr (#82) (070b88e)
- UI tweaks (#91) (22b2fed)
- update readme (#101) (b4c153e)
- Add cjs target (#93) (cb1bb90)
- infinite credential types (#95) (641bdbb)
- new release-please config (#89) (221c557)
- qr logo positioning (#79) (45db408)
- qrcode dark mode styles (#96) (0776348)
- remove a bunch of unused phone code (#83) (59f3ac0)
- remove unused error codes (#81) (9a2b967)
- spinner size (#100) (1fa1c1d)
- Update SignInWithWorldID.tsx (#110) (ac9c69c), closes #109
- release 0.4.9 (b94084e)