bootstrap your account, replace ACCOUNT with your own account id
cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT/eu-west-1 --profile profile
Remember destroy infra after testing, this stack is not secure and it is going to cost
Open termintal in \oneAwsToGo\infra\runtimeEnviroment Create :
cdk deploy RuntimeEnvironmentStack --profile --require-approval never
destroy :
cdk destroy RuntimeEnvironmentStack --profile --require-approval never
start database:
docker-compose -f .\database.yml -p oneawsdatabase up You can use dbeaver to connect to database.
On Windows start whole systems
docker-compose --env-file .env -f .\wholeSystem.yml -p oneawssystem up
On Linux
sudo docker-compose --env-file .env -f ./wholeSystem.yml -p oneawssystem up
To create and populate database into container postgresql above when container is up. NOTE Script drops related tables if those exist!
NOTE Does not work in powershell.
docker exec -i oneawssystem-postgres-1 psql -U oneawstogo < initial_db_create.sql
On Linux based systems use
sudo docker exec -i oneawssystem_postgres_1 psql -U oneawstogo < initial_db_create.sql
Use the username "Dummy" and the password "dummy" to login to the service (without quotation marks).