This simple program can be used to reproduce the DSpace REST API bug that was reported in Github issue DSpace/DSpace#9781
It was created by Sascha Szott (
Run this program twice to trigger the error. If the error does not occur,
run the program two more times. If you cannot trigger the error in this way,
consider increasing the value of variable MAX_NUM_OF_STATUS_REQUESTS
modify (increase) the sleep period before the first GET request on /api/authn/status
is executed.
The error described in Github issue 9781 (usually) occurs in the second run of the program.
The program performs a simple login - get status - logout roundtrip against the REST API of the official DSpace Demo instance ( It executes the following steps:
- receive a valid CSRF token
- perform a login with demo user
[email protected]
- after successful login: repeatedly get authentication status
- perform a logout
The program execution aborts immediately if the authentication status is false
To run the program against another DSpace instance (running DS 7 or 8) you'll need to modify the program variables listed below:
Name of variable | Description |
base URL of DSpace REST API (should end with /server/api - without trailing slash) |
valid user name of eperson |
valid password of eperson |
CSRF token: b556e9be-e44c-4b9a-a0c4-3e0394092906
JWT token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlaWQiOiIzMzU2NDdiNi04YTUyLTRlY2ItYThjMS03ZWJhYmIxOTliZGEiLCJzZyI6W10sImV4cCI6MTcyNDkyMjUyOCwiYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25NZXRob2QiOiJwYXNzd29yZCJ9.5wuU-KTPM7Pp8jbvRc5i07hJRKEmHE9kYh0aarDMcbE
No failures detected so far - log out
logout response code: 204
CSRF token: 12fb2b7a-cfe9-4c32-9e2b-647ca7243700
JWT token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlaWQiOiIzMzU2NDdiNi04YTUyLTRlY2ItYThjMS03ZWJhYmIxOTliZGEiLCJzZyI6W10sImV4cCI6MTcyNDkyMjU0MSwiYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25NZXRob2QiOiJwYXNzd29yZCJ9.0OFtSPkk9nmObmOxngCjlTXMXxzdjvL99Q5oZ2Wmx9U
Failure occurred - GET /api/authn/status returned "authenticated": false