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A JavaScript library for building awesome search experiences with Unbxd

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A JavaScript library for building performant and quick search experiences with Unbxd.

Browsers support

IE / Edge
IE / Edge
iOS Safari
iOS Safari
IE11*, Edge last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions

(*) You need to use polyfills for making it work in IE browser. Please refer this example for more details

Getting started

Inlcude the Library

The library can be included in 2 ways


Install @unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library using npm.

npm install @unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library --save

then, import the UnbxdSearch constructor in your project

import  UnbxdSearch  from  "@unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library";

To get our default theme, you can include the CSS in below 2 ways:

import "@unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library/public/dist/css/vanillaSearch.css";

or if you are using SCSS, include the SCSS file directly

import "@unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library/styles/index.scss";


You can also use a global-friendly UMD build:

<script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>

This will set the UnbxdSearch constructor or class on the window object.

And to get our default theme, include the CSS as shown below.

<link  href=""  rel="stylesheet"></script>

Now you are ready to start using the library.

Invoke with configs

Invoke the UnbxdSearch constructor with the desired configs.

You can find a sample invocation below:

const unbxdSearch = new UnbxdSearch({
    siteKey: "<your Site Key>",
    apiKey: "<your API key>",
    searchBoxEl: document.getElementById("unbxdInput"),
    searchButtonEl: document.getElementById("searchBtn"),
    products: {
        el: document.getElementById("searchResultsWrapper"),
        attributesMap: {
            "unxTitle": "title",
            "unxImageUrl": "imageUrl"
            "unxPrice": "displaySalePrice"
        productAttributes: [
    noResults: {
        template:function(query){return `<div class="UNX-no-results"> No Results found ${query} </div>`}
    facet: {
        facetsEl: document.getElementById("facetsWrapper"),
        selectedFacetsEl: document.getElementById("selectedFacetWrapper"),
    pagination: {
        type: "FIXED_PAGINATION",
        el: document.querySelector("#clickScrollContainer"),
    sort: {
        el: document.getElementById("sortWrapper"),
        options: [{
                value: "sortPrice desc",
                text: "Price High to Low"
                value: "sortPrice asc",
                text: " Price Low to High"

Full configuration List


  • All templates are provided as functions where you can return the HTML string that needs to be rendered. This provides you the power of entire Javascript to build your desired HTML string.
  • All of the classnames generated by the library will have the prefix "UNX-". So you can use it to customize styles.
  • tagName -will be html element wrapper created by the sdk, by default it will be "DIV". If the template required wrapper element changes we can customise here.
  • htmlAttributes -its an object where you can customise the html attributes like class, id and data-*. key will be attribute name and value will be attribute value.
  • events - this is an object you can add your own events to it. key will be event name(click) and value should be a function.
siteKey String NA This is the unique Site Key assigned by Unbxd to every site created in the console dashboard. Refer to this section for steps on how to get the Site Key for your account.
apiKey String NA This is the unique API Key assigned to every site created in the console dashboard. Refer to this section for steps on how to get the API Key for your account.
searchBoxEl Element null Configure the search input element on which to listen to search query changes
searchButtonEl Element NA Configure your search button here. Clicking on this will load the results based the input value provided in "searchBoxEl"
products Object Refer section Products related configurations. You can find all the configs in Products Config section
facet Object Refer section Facet configurations. You can find all the configs in Facets Config section
pagination Object Refer section Pagination component configurations. You can find all the configs in Pagination Config section
pageSize Object Refer section Page Size component configurations. You can find all the page size configs in Page Size Config section
sort Object Refer section Sort component configurations. You can find all the configs in Sort Config section
productView Object Refer section Product view type (list view or grid view) configurations. You can find all the configs in Product Views Config section
breadcrumb Object Refer section Bread crumb component configurations. You can find all the configs in Breadcrumb Config section
spellCheck Object Refer section Spellcheck component configurations. You can find all the configs in Spell Check Config section. Please ignore incase of browse or category pages.
banner Object Refer section Banner component configurations. You can find all the configs in Banner Config section.
variants Object Refer section Set this object, if you have want to display variant products. by default variants will be undefined. You can find all the variants configs in Variants Config section
swatches Object Refer section Set this object, if you have want to display swatches on your product cards. You can find all the swatch configs in Swatches Config section
loader Object Refer section Loader component configurations. You can find all the configs in Loader Config section
noResults Object Refer section No results component configurations. You can find all the configs in No Results Config section
unbxdAnalytics Boolean false Turn this flag on if you want Unbxd to fire analytics events. Note that you have to include the Unbxd Analytics SDK for firing analytics events.
hashMode Boolean false Turn this flag on if you want the URL update to happen on hash instead of using query params
updateUrls Boolean true If you do not want the URLs to be updated on any search param change, set this config to false
actionBtnClass String "UNX-action-item" CSS class name to add to any elements on which you want to trigger click event
actionChangeClass String "UNX-action-change" CSS class name to be added to any custom input elements on which you want to trigger change event
onAction Function function(event, context) {} Callback function called on a click or change on your custom element. This function will get 2 parameters: the event object & the this context
onEvent Function function(context, type) {} Callback that gets called after the supported events. This function gets 2 parameters: the current instance or context and the event type which is one of BEFORE_API_CALL, AFTER_API_CALL, BEFORE_RENDER, BEFORE_NO_RESULTS_RENDER, AFTER_NO_RESULTS_RENDER, AFTER_RENDER, DELETE_FACET, FACETS_CLICK, DELETE_FACET_VALUE, DELETE_FACET, CLEAR_SORT, CHANGE_SORT, PAGE_NEXT, PAGE_PREV, CHANGE_INPUT, SET_CATEGORY_FILTER, DELETE_CATEGORY_FILTER
extraParams Object { "version":"V2" } Any additional parameters you want to send in the search API call
productId String "uniqueId" The field name which denotes the unique identifier for each product
defaultFilters Object null Default filters to apply to all search API requests
searchQueryParam String "q" If you want to send the search query in a different query param key set this config. Example, if you want to send the query in a param called "query" like "query=dress", then set this config value to "query"
searchEndPoint String "" Domain name of the search API endpoint
searchPath String "" Any additional path string to be added to the URL. This is useful incase you have an SPA and the search page is hosted on a subpath of your site
getCategoryId Function null By default Category ID will be taken from unbxdPageConf object, but if you wish to customize use this function to return the category ID
setCategoryId Function null This method helps to navigate through the breadcrumbs, you can customize the logic here
onQueryRedirect Function null customise your logic here to handle the redirect configured in api
browseQueryParam String "p" this will be the default query param for the browse and category

Products Config

productType String "SEARCH" Type of products page to render. Accepted values are SEARCH or BROWSE or CATEGORY
el Element null Element in which to render the search results
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the product card by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 5 parameters: complete product object and index of the current product, swatches, selected view type, product config
productAttributes Array ["title", "uniqueId", "price", "sku", "imageUrl", "displayPrice", "salePrice", "sortPrice", "productDescription", "unbxd_color_mapping", "colorName", "color"] This is an array of all required fields for generating the result template. This is helpful to load the results faster.
attributesMap Object {"unxTitle": "title","unxImageUrl": "imageUrl","unxPrice": "salePrice","unxStrikePrice": "displayPrice","unxId": "uniqueId","unxDescription": "productDescription"} Field mappings for the data to be displayed in the product card
gridCount Number Adjusts as per screen size If you want to have grid type user interface, then you can configure how many columns you want to have in a row with this config. By default it will adjust according to screen size.
productItemClass String "product-item" Additional class name to be added to each product card
onProductClick Function function(product, event) {} Callback functions called on click of a product card. This function gets the product object & the event object as params
defaultImage String "" If product doesnt contain image url, by default this image will be shown
tagName String "DIV" html element for the product wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-search-results-block UNX-result-wrapper"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Facets Config

facetsEl Element null Element in which to render the facets
facetTemplate Function default Customize the look and feel of the facets block by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 3 parameters: the complete facet block, facet values, is expanded flag (in case you have chosen collapsible facets, i.e. isCollapsible is set to true) and the search text entered for this facet block (if isSearchable is set to true)
facetItemTemplate Function default Customize each individual facet value by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 3 parameters: the complete facet block, the current facet value and the search text entered for this facet block.
facetMultiSelect Booelan true Turn this off if you want to disable the multiple selection of facets
facetClass String "UNX-facets-block" Additional CSS class name to add to the the facet items
facetAction String "click Event based on which to trigger facet selection / deselection: "click" or "change"
selectedFacetClass String "UNX-selected-facet-btn" Additional CSS class name for the selected facet items
selectedFacetsEl Element null Element in which to render the selected facets. If you don't provide this element selected facets will be rendered along with the facet blocks
selectedFacetTemplate Function default Customize the look & feel of the selected facets block by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 2 parameters: the selected facet complete block and the selected facet value
selectedFacetItemTemplate Function default Customize the look & feel of the selected facet by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 2 parameters: the selected facet complete block and the selected facet value
selectedFacetConfig Object { tagName:"DIV", htmlAttributes:{ class:"UNX-selected-facet-lb" }, events:{} } object will be containing the configuration for the selected facet wrapper config
clearAllText String "Clear All" The text to show for the clear all button that clears all selected facets
rangeTemplate Function default Customize the look and feel of the range facets by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 1 parameter: the list of range facets available
rangeWidgetConfig Object NA Configure the default range slider. Refer to the Range Widget Config section below to view the detailed configs
facetMultilevel Boolean true Turn this on to send the multilevel parameter in the search API
facetMultilevelName String "Category" Set the multilevel field name using this config
multiLevelFacetSelectorClass String "UNX-multilevel-facet" Class name for each multi level facet item
multiLevelFacetTemplate Function default Customize the look and feel of multi level facets by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 3 parameters: the complete facet block, selected values and the search text entered for this facet block (if isSearchable is set to true)
facetDepth Number 4 Configure how many levels of category filter you want to have by setting this value
clearFacetsSelectorClass String "UNX-clear-facet" Class name for the button to clear the selected facets
removeFacetsSelectorClass String "UNX-remove-facet" Class name for the button to delete selected facets
onFacetLoad Function function(facets) {} Callback function that gets called after each facet selection or deselection. This function gets all the facets as a parameter
applyMultipleFilters false Boolean Turn this on if you want to apply multiple filters together
applyButtonText String "Apply" The text to show for the apply button (when applyMultipleFilters is set as true)
clearButtonText String "clear" The text to show for the clear button (when applyMultipleFilters is set as true)
isCollapsible Boolean true Turn this off if you do not want to have a collapsible accordian for each facet block
defaultOpen String "ALL" If "isCollapsible" is true, set this config to indicate the default open facet. Available options are "ALL" , "FIRST" , "NONE"
isSearchable Boolean true Turn this on if you want to have search feature for each facet block
searchPlaceHolder String "" Placeholder text for the facet search input
enableViewMore Booelan false Turn this on for enabling view more or less functionality for individual facets
viewMoreText Array ["show all", "show less"] The text to show for the view more / less button. Pass the 2 strings in array format [<viewMoreText>, viewLessText]. Ex: ["View more", "View less"]
viewMoreLimit Number 3 Will show view more only if the facet values are greater than this value
tagName String "DIV" html element for the facet wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-facets-results-block"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Facet Range Widget Config

minLabel String "" Text for the lower end of the range slider
maxLabel String "" Text for the higher end of the range slider
prefix String "$" Prefix text to be added to the range widget value. Example "$" for price facet

Pagination Config

enabled Boolean true Turn this off if you do not want the pagination widget
el Element null Element in which to render the pagination component
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the pagination by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 1 parameter: an object that has the pagination information
pageClass String "UNX-page-items" CSS classname for the pagination component
selectedPageClass String "UNX-selected-page-item" CSS classname for selected page item
onPaginate function(paginationInfo){} NA Callback function that gets called after a pagination action
pageLimit Number 6 Number of pages to show upfront (when type is FIXED_PAGINATION)
infinteScrollTriggerEl Element window Element on which to detect infinite scroll page boundary (when type is set to INFINITE_SCROLL)
heightDiffToTriggerNextPage Number 100 Height of the page to consider to fetch the next page data (when type is set to INFINITE_SCROLL)
action String "click" Action on which pagination should trigger: "click" or "change"
tagName String "DIV" html element for the pagination wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-pagination-size-block"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Page Size Config

enabled Boolean true Turn this off if you do not want the page size component
el Element null Element in which to render the page size element
pageSize Number 12 Number of results to be shown per page
options Array [8, 12, 16, 20, 24] Array of desired page sizes to be rendered. It is suggested that the value be a multiple of number of columns (ex. if 3 columns then 15 or 18 or 21).
pageSizeClass String "UNX-pagesize" Additional CSS class name to be added to the page size element
selectedPageSizeClass String "UNX-selected-pagesize" Additional CSS class name to be added to the selected page size option
action String "change" Action on which page size change should trigger: "click" or "change"
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the page size component by defining this function that is expected to return a HTML string for the template. This function gets 2 parameters: the selected page size and the page size config (i.e. this complete object)
tagName String "DIV" html element for the page size wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-selected-pagesize"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Sort Config

enabled Boolean true Turn this off if you do not want the sort component
el Element null Element in which to render the sort component
options Array [{value: "price desc",text: "Price High to Low"},{value: "price asc",text: " Price Low to High"},{value: "rating asc",text: " Rating Low to High"},{value: "rating desc",text: " Rating High to low"}] Array of sort options
sortClass String "UNX-sort-item" CSS class name for the sort item, make sure you will be providing this information in template
selectedSortClass String "UNX-selected-sort" CSS class name for the selected sort item
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the sort component by using this function. This function gets 2 parameters: the selected sort value and the sort config (i.e. this complete object)
action String "change" Action on which sort should trigger: "click" or "change"
tagName String "DIV" html element for the sort wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-sort-block-lb"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Product Views Config

enabled Boolean true Turn this off if you do not want the product view component
el Element null Element in which to render the product views component
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the product views component by using this function. This function gets 2 parameters: the selected view type and the product views config (i.e. this complete object)
defaultViewType String "GRID" Product view types to be displayed by default: "LIST" or 'GRID"
action String "click" Action on which product view change should be triggerd: "click" or "change"
viewTypeClass String "UNX-product-view" Additonal CSS class name to be added to the product view type elements
selectedViewTypeClass String "UNX-selected-product-view" Additional CSS class name to be added to the selected view type element
tagName String "DIV" html element for the product view type wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"product-view-container"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Breadcrumb Config

breadcrumb options are available here.

enabled Boolean true Turn this flag on if you want to show breadcrumbs (if it is available) on your page
el Element null Element in which to render the breadcrumbs
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the breadcrumb component by defining this function that is expected to return a HTML string for the template. You will get the breadcrumbs list as parameter to this function
selectorClass String "bread-crumb" Additional CSS class name for each breadcrumb item
tagName String "DIV" html element for the breadcrumb wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-breadcrumbs-block"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Spell Check Config

enabled Boolean true Turn this flag on for enabling spell check
el Element null Element in which to render the spellcheck component
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the spellcheck component by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets 3 parameters: the search query, the suggested query text and a config object with product count details ({start, productsLn, numberOfProducts})
selectorClass String "UNX-suggestion" Additional CSS class name for the spell check component
tagName String "DIV" html element for the spellcheck wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-spellcheck-wrapper"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Variants Config

enabled Boolean false Turn this flag on for enabling variants
count Number 5 Indicates the number of variants to be shown
groupBy String "v_colour" Variants will be grouped based on this field value. The name of the field has to be the same one as in your catalog
attributes Array ["title", "v_imageUrl"] List of fields you need for each variant
mapping Object {"image_url": "v_imageUrl"} Field mapping of the catalog attributes to the variant attributes. This is needed to render the variant information correctly.

Swatches Config

enabled Boolean false Turn this flag on for enabling swatches
attributesMap Object {swatchImgs: "unbxd_color_mapping","swatchColors": "color", "swatchList": "color"} Field mapping of the catalog attributes to the swatch attributes
swatchClass String "UNX-swatch-btn" Additional CSS class name for the swatches
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the swatches component by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function gets the current swatch data and complete swatches list as parameters

Banner Config

enabled Boolean false Turn this flag on for enabling Banner
el Element null Element in which to render the Banner component
template Function default Customize the look and feel of the banner component by returning your custom HTML string from this function. This function get the list of banners as the parameter.
count Number 1 Indicates the number of banners to be shown
openNewTab Boolean false by default landing page url load in same tab, if you want to load in another tab configured it to true
tagName String "DIV" html element for the banner wrapper. by default it is div.
htmlAttributes Object {class:"UNX-banner-block"} by default it contains classes for the wrapper. you can add more classes or any attributes
events object {} by default it will be empty. you can add further javascript events by keys and function as values. context will be the current object.

Loader Config

el Element null Element in which to render the loader component
template Function function(){return '<div class="UNX-loader">Loading search results....</div>'} Customize the look and feel of the loader component by using this function

No Results Config

template Function function(query){return '<div class="UNX-no-results"> No Results found '+ query + '</div>'} Customize the look and feel of the no results component by using this function. You will get the searched query as param to this function

Instance Methods

Note: All the below functions can be called on the instance returned by the UnbxdSearch constructor function

reRender function Call this function if you want to render the page again. Ex: unbxdSearch.reRender()
updateConfig function Call this function for updating the config options in run time. Ex: unbxdSearch.updateConfig({facet:{applyMultipleFilters:true}})
getCategoryPage function Call this function to render the category page. Ex: unbxdSearch.getCategoryPage()
getBrowsePage function Call this function to render the browse page. Ex: unbxdSearch.getBrowsePage()
getResults function Call this function to refetch the search results. Ex: unbxdSearch.getResults("dress")
resetFacets function Call this method to reset the selected facets. Ex: unbxdSearch.resetFacets()
resetAll function Call this method to reset the all the page elements like selected facets, selected sort option, pagination etc. Ex: unbxdSearch.resetAll()
setPageStart function Call this method to set the the page number. Ex: unbxdSearch.setPageStart(0)
setRangeSlider function Call this method to update the range filter value. Ex:unbxdSearch.setRangeSlider({"start":0,"end":573,"facetName":"price","gap": 200})
getSelectedFacetsCount function Call this function if you want to get the total count of selected facets Ex: unbxdSearch.getSelectedFacetsCount()
getAllSelectedFacets function Call this function to get all the selected facets Ex: unbxdSearch.getAllSelectedFacets()
getSelectedFacetValueCount function Call this function to get the total count of selected facet values. Ex: unbxdSearch.getSelectedFacetValueCount()

API Documentation

API documentation is available here

Overriding the default methods

We can over ride the methods like below.

import UnbxdSearch from '@unbxd-ui/vanilla-search-library';
class NewUnbxdSearch extends UnbxdSearch {
    //if you wish to over ride reRender
    reRender() {

UnbxdSearchComponent.prototype.reRender = function(){


With es5 way.

<script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>
UnbxdSearch.prototype.reRender = function(){

var unbxdSearch = new UnbxdSearch({...options})

Examples / Recipies

Tips & Tricks

  • If you are including our Search JS Library, Autosuggest Library & Analytics Library in your HTML page, the order of the files are important. Include the Search JS Library, followed by Autosuggest Library and then the Analytics JS Library. This should be followed by the code to invoke the library.
  • Always ensure you are invoking the library (i.e. calling the UnbxdSearch constructor) after you have included the library either via URL or via npm
  • Include the CSS inside the tag of your HTML page & the scripts at the end of the body tag. This will ensure that the page rendering is not blocked by the javascript files.

Issues & Feature Requests

Raise any issues or new feature requests using Github Issues


To contribute to the project, read the contribution guidelines


Changes are tracked in the changelog


A JavaScript library for building awesome search experiences with Unbxd






No releases published


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  • HTML 68.6%
  • JavaScript 27.0%
  • SCSS 4.2%
  • CSS 0.2%