A personal toy project, a Java web application
- All java based configuration
- Login module
- Spring security custom UserDetailsService
- separate user roles: employee/manager
- login, logout pages
- registration form and validation
- Models and relationship
- hibernate as JPA implementation
- auto generated tables
- relationship and cascade
- Thymeleaf template
- reusable header fragment
- navi bar
- map exceptions
- Manager module
- display all employees
- bootstrap table
- add new employee
- generate random password
- ajax call to refresh employee list
- reset password for employees
- disable employees
- User module
- modify user profile
- Project module
- create new project
- set employees to selected project
- multiselect plugin
- timesheet module
- user action
- employee submit / unsubmit
- manager approve / disapprove
- ajax call to reload sheet based on project and date
- bootstrap-datepicker plugin
- user action
- *home page summary
To run without mysql config, use h2 embedded database for simpel demo. DataSource is configured with profile "demo". Disable it in config.WebInitializer:
servletContext.setInitParameter("spring.profiles.active", "demo");
Accounts: manager:manager emp1:emp1 emp2:emp2
Front end
- HTML5 Thmeleaf
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap table
- jQuery
- Spring MVC
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- slf4j
- Logback
- ehcache
Connection Pool
- HikariCP
- Spring Test
- H2 embedded database
- Mockito
Build tool
- Gradle
Applciation server
- Embedded Tomcat
- Eclipse
- Intellij