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Search photos on Unsplash and use them directly inside of your Sanity Studio.


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Sanity Asset Source Plugin: Unsplash

This is a Sanity Studio v3 plugin. For the v2 version, please refer to the v2-branch.

What is it?

Search for photos on Unsplash and add them to your project right inside Sanity Studio.

Unsplash image selector


npm install --save sanity-plugin-asset-source-unsplash


yarn add sanity-plugin-asset-source-unsplash


Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts (or .js):

import { unsplashImageAsset } from 'sanity-plugin-asset-source-unsplash'

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [unsplashImageAsset()],

This will add unsplashAssetSource to all image-fields in Sanity Studio

Manually configure asset sources

If you need to configure when Unsplash should be available as an asset source, filter it out as needed in form.image.assetSources:

import { unsplashImageAsset, unsplashAssetSource } from 'sanity-plugin-asset-source-unsplash'

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [unsplashImageAsset()],
  form: {
    image: {
      assetSources: (previousAssetSources, { schema }) => {
        if ( === 'movie-image') {
          // remove unsplash from movie-image types
          return previousAssetSources.filter((assetSource) => assetSource !== unsplashAssetSource)
        return previousAssetSources

Example Unsplash API Photo result

  "id": "1_CMoFsPfso",
  "created_at": "2016-08-27T05:14:20-04:00",
  "updated_at": "2019-11-07T00:01:26-05:00",
  "promoted_at": "2016-08-27T05:14:20-04:00",
  "width": 6016,
  "height": 4016,
  "color": "#170801",
  "description": "Minimal pencils on yellow",
  "alt_description": "two gray pencils on yellow surface",
  "urls": {
    "raw": "",
    "full": "",
    "regular": "",
    "small": "",
    "thumb": ""
  "links": {
    "self": "",
    "html": "",
    "download": "",
    "download_location": ""
  "categories": [],
  "likes": 4450,
  "liked_by_user": false,
  "current_user_collections": [],
  "user": {
    "id": "kA9qRJtrtA4",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-12T05:10:00-05:00",
    "username": "joannakosinska",
    "name": "Joanna Kosinska",
    "first_name": "Joanna",
    "last_name": "Kosinska",
    "twitter_username": "",
    "portfolio_url": null,
    "bio": null,
    "location": "Leeds",
    "links": {
      "self": "",
      "html": "",
      "photos": "",
      "likes": "",
      "portfolio": "",
      "following": "",
      "followers": ""
    "profile_image": {
      "small": "",
      "medium": "",
      "large": ""
    "instagram_username": "",
    "total_collections": 26,
    "total_likes": 534,
    "total_photos": 209,
    "accepted_tos": true

Example resulting asset document

  "ms": 7,
  "query": "*[_type == \"sanity.imageAsset\" \u0026\u0026 _id == \"image-a6904e5887baafcf72f686cfa3e98399fd3ff74a-2600x1548-jpg\"]",
  "result": [
      "_createdAt": "2019-11-14T09:01:47Z",
      "_id": "image-a6904e5887baafcf72f686cfa3e98399fd3ff74a-2600x1548-jpg",
      "_rev": "fDOLlTLScw9kMkHEI4HC9S",
      "_type": "sanity.imageAsset",
      "_updatedAt": "2019-11-14T09:01:47Z",
      "assetId": "a6904e5887baafcf72f686cfa3e98399fd3ff74a",
      "creditLine": "Qingbao Meng by Unsplash",
      "extension": "jpg",
      "metadata": {
        "_type": "sanity.imageMetadata",
        "dimensions": {
          "_type": "sanity.imageDimensions",
          "aspectRatio": 1.6795865633074936,
          "height": 1548,
          "width": 2600
        "hasAlpha": false,
        "isOpaque": true,
        "palette": {
          "_type": "sanity.imagePalette",
          "darkMuted": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#435c39",
            "foreground": "#fff",
            "population": 6.83,
            "title": "#fff"
          "darkVibrant": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#698710",
            "foreground": "#fff",
            "population": 2.51,
            "title": "#fff"
          "dominant": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#728863",
            "foreground": "#fff",
            "population": 6.83,
            "title": "#fff"
          "lightMuted": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#bec6a9",
            "foreground": "#000",
            "population": 0.51,
            "title": "#fff"
          "lightVibrant": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#cad67e",
            "foreground": "#000",
            "population": 0.62,
            "title": "#000"
          "muted": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#728863",
            "foreground": "#fff",
            "population": 6.83,
            "title": "#fff"
          "vibrant": {
            "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
            "background": "#91b31a",
            "foreground": "#000",
            "population": 1.83,
            "title": "#fff"
      "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "originalFilename": "2bb1b89b-726e-4d1c-a148-7936f57a432f.jpeg",
      "path": "images/q2r21cu7/example/a6904e5887baafcf72f686cfa3e98399fd3ff74a-2600x1548.jpg",
      "sha1hash": "a6904e5887baafcf72f686cfa3e98399fd3ff74a",
      "size": 1101084,
      "source": {
        "id": "01_igFr7hd4",
        "name": "unsplash",
        "url": ""
      "url": ""

Futher reading


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.

Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.