Use this plugin to run HTML spec files with Jasmine 2.0 specs. Currently, you must use this plugin in conjunction with the JUnitXmlReporter in jasmine2-junit. This reporter generates JUnit XML reports to be used in a CI build.
The plugin shows success/failure counts on the console. Specs will be run using PhantomJS 2.
In order to setup gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs, require the plugin and use gulp.src
to pipe html spec files (see readme of for a correct setup of html files) into it:
var jasminePhantomJs = require('gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs');
var specFiles = '**/*.html';
gulp.task('test', function() {
return gulp.src(specFiles).pipe(jasminePhantomJs());
If you want to pass additional arguments to PhantomJS, pass them as parameter to the plugin:
gulp.src(specFiles).pipe(jasminePhantomJs(['--web-security=false', '--load-images=false']));
Alternatively, if you just want to pass a single argument, you can use
An overview of available PhantomJS arguments can found here: