💽 Flexible browser-independent event handling
Have you ever had trouble adding event handlers for antiquated browsers? Confused about what functions to call to establish polyfill functionality? Well, look no further than flexfill! Flexfill is a want-all catch-all event handler mechanism which does the grunt work for you so you don't need to worry about adding specialized functionality for those dang users who are still using IE6.
Using npm
npm install -S flexfill
Or you can use it directly from your HTML files:
<script src="flexfill.min.js"></script>
The API exposes a couple of methods that will enable you to deal with event handling in a uniform manner without checking for browser-related constraints.
Adds an event listener listener
of type type
to DOM node node
. (Straightforward, I know!)
flexfill.add(document.body, 'click', function (e) {
console.log('The document body has indeed been clicked!');
Removes an event listener listener
of type type
from DOM node node
. (Once again, ease of experience is a top priority.)
flexfill.add(document.body, 'click', clicked);
flexfill.remove(document.body, 'click', clicked);
function clicked(e) {
console.log('The document body has indeed been clicked!');
Creates an artificial custom event of type type
and applies it to the DOM node
. You can provide custom details
which will be set to e.detail
which you can subsequently access through this field.
flexfill.add(document.body, 'dogs', bahamen);
flexfill.create(document.body, 'dogs', { dogsOut: true });
function bahamen (e) {
console.log('Who let the dogs out? ' + e.detail.dogsOut ? ' Who? Who? Who?' : 'They\'re still in the yard.');
Graciously licensed with ❤️ by MIT.