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Todo App with Redux Toolkit

This is a simple Todo App built with Redux Toolkit. It allows users to add, remove, toggle the completion status, and update todos. The app uses local storage to persist the todo list.


To install the dependencies, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install


To run the app, run the following command in your terminal:

npm start

The app will start on port 3000.

Code Overview

The code is organized into the following files:

  • index.js: The main entry point of the app.
  • store.js: The Redux store.
  • todoSlice.js: The Redux slice for the todo list.
  • components/TodoForm.js: The component for adding a new todo.
  • components/TodoList.js: The component for displaying the todo list.
  • components/TodoItem.js: The component for displaying a single todo item.

Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit is a simplified state management library for Redux. It provides a set of utility functions and conventions that make it easier to write Redux code.

In this app, we use Redux Toolkit to create a slice for the todo list. A slice is a collection of related reducers and actions.

The todoSlice file defines the initial state of the todo list, the reducers for updating the state, and the actions for triggering the reducers.

Local Storage

We use local storage to persist the todo list. This means that the todo list will be saved to the user's browser even after they close the app.

To save the todo list to local storage, we use the saveInLocalStorage function. This function is called whenever a todo is added, removed, or updated.

To load the todo list from local storage, we use the loadDataLS action. This action is called when the app starts.


This is a simple Todo App built with Redux Toolkit. It demonstrates how to use Redux Toolkit to manage state and how to use local storage to persist data.

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