AWS SSM Session manager client
I am using AWS a lot and I am tired of dealing with everything that comes with the bastion host (additional instance one has to maintain, distribute SSH keys (shared SSH keys are not an option for me), exposing SSH to the network). A while ago, Amazon released a service to fix this - AWS Systems Manager Session Manager. However, CLI user experience of Session Manager is limited and lacks some features:
- ability to connect to instances by other means (e.g. DNS, IP, tag, instance name, autoscaling group) as aws cli supports only connecting by instance IDs
- configuration file support for storing connection information via Session Manager
aws-gate tries to address these issues.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Python 3.5+ (earlier Python 3 versions should work too)
- session-plugin-manager from AWS
- SSM Agent version or later must be installed on EC2 instances we want to connect to
- Proper IAM permissions for instance profile
pip install aws-gate
or via Homebrew
brew tap xen0l/homebrew-taps
brew install aws-gate
or via Docker
docker login -u $YOUR_GH_USERNAME -p $GH_TOKEN
docker pull
You can store information about to connect to your instance (name, region and profile) and aws-gate will do everything for you. The config file is stored in ~/.aws-gate/config and has the following YAML syntax:
- alias: backend-pre
name: backend
profile: preproduction
region: eu-west-1
- alias: backend-pro
name: backend
profile: production
region: eu-west-1
profile: development
region: eu-west-1
where hosts stores connection information and defaults default configuration settings to use. To connect to instance backend-pre, execute:
aws-gate session backend-pre
You can place additional configuration files in ~/.aws-gate/config.d. This is ideal when you are working on different projects or when you need to share configuration inside your team.
aws-gate supports querying for instances with following identifiers:
- instance id
aws-gate session i-0772e4c1dcdd763b6
- DNS name
aws-gate session
- private DNS name
aws-gate session
- IP address
aws-gate session
- private IP address
aws-gate session
- tags
aws-gate session Name:SSM-test
- name (uses tag identifier under the hood)
aws-gate session SSM-test
- autoscaling group name (uses tag identifier under the hood)
aws-gate session asg:dummy-v001
AWS SSM Session Manager supports tunneling SSH sessions over it. Moreover, aws-gate supports generating ephemeral SSH keys and uploading them via EC2 Instance Connect API. However, to use this functionality, EC2 Instance Connect setup is needed.
To use this functionality, simply run aws-gate ssh-config, which will generate the required ~/.ssh/config snippet for you:
% aws-gate ssh-config
Host *.eu-west-1.default
IdentityFile /Users/xenol/.aws-gate/key
IdentitiesOnly yes
User ec2-user
Port 22
ProxyCommand sh -c "aws-gate ssh-proxy -p `echo %h | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)$/\\3/g'` -r `echo %h | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)$/\\2/g'` `echo %h | sed -Ee 's/^(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)$/\\1/g'`"
Store the snippet inside _~/.ssh/config:
% aws-gate ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config
Then connect via ssh:
% ssh
Last login: Fri Oct 4 17:17:02 2019 from localhost
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
1 package(s) needed for security, out of 20 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-35-173 ~]$
SSH session to instance ssm-test in eu-west-1 AWS region via default AWS profile is opened.
aws-gate provides a way to open SSH session on the instance directly. This is achieved by wrapping around ssh under the hood. Simply run aws-gate ssh <instance_identifier>:
% aws-gate ssh ssm-test
Last login: Sat Nov 9 10:23:11 2019 from localhost
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
28 package(s) needed for security, out of 56 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-35-173 ~]$
If you wish to execute a specific command (or plug it into your shell pipelines):
% aws-gate ssh ssm-test uname -a
Linux 4.14.123-111.109.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 10 19:37:57 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
If you run into issues, you can get detailed debug log by setting GATE_DEBUG environment variable:
export GATE_DEBUG=1
After setting the environment variable, the debug mode will be automatically enabled:
% aws-gate session test
2019-05-26 01:18:23,535 - aws_gate.config - DEBUG - Located config file: /Users/xenol/.aws-gate/config
2019-05-26 01:18:23,538 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining boto3 session object
2019-05-26 01:18:23,549 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtained configured AWS profiles: default development preproduction production
2019-05-26 01:18:23,550 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining boto3 session object
2019-05-26 01:18:23,560 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtained configured AWS profiles: default development preproduction production
2019-05-26 01:18:23,560 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining boto3 session object
2019-05-26 01:18:23,574 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining ssm client
2019-05-26 01:18:23,608 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining boto3 session object
2019-05-26 01:18:23,636 - aws_gate.utils - DEBUG - Obtaining ec2 boto3 resource
2019-05-26 01:18:23,694 - aws_gate.query - DEBUG - Querying EC2 API for instance identifier: SSM-test
2019-05-26 01:18:24,029 - aws_gate.query - DEBUG - Found 1 maching instances
2019-05-26 01:18:24,030 - aws_gate.query - DEBUG - Matching instance: i-0772e4c1dcdd763b6
2019-05-26 01:18:24,030 - aws_gate.session - INFO - Opening session on instance i-0772e4c1dcdd763b6 (eu-west-1) via profile default
2019-05-26 01:18:24,030 - aws_gate.session - DEBUG - Creating a new session on instance: i-0772e4c1dcdd763b6 (eu-west-1)
Debug mode also enables printing of Python stack traces if there is a crash or some other problem.
This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the file for details