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Hackmud Script Manager 0.1.2

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@samualtnorman samualtnorman released this 25 Nov 13:24
· 713 commits to main since this release

Hackmud Script Manager is an API now.

hackmud_env-tools is being depreciated, and its functions have now been merged into this package


For the command, not much has changed, just added some more helpful text when you use hsm clear wrong, and may have fixed an error related to the config.



build(target: string, distPath: string): Promise<{ minLength: number ; name: string ; oldLength: number }[]>

Defined in index.ts:69

Builds target file or files in target folder and dumps them in specified directory.


Name Type Description
target string file or folder to be built
distPath string folder to dump built files

Returns: Promise<{ minLength: number ; name: string ; oldLength: number }[]>


clear(target: string, hackmudPath: string, user: string): Promise<{ pushedRemoved: number ; targetRemoved: number }>

Defined in index.ts:44

Deletes target file or files in target folder and equivalent in hackmud folder.


Name Type Description
target string file or folder to be cleared
hackmudPath string hackmud directory
user string hackmud user to target

Returns: Promise<{ pushedRemoved: number ; targetRemoved: number }>


pull(srcPath: string, hackmudPath: string, scriptName: string): Promise<void>

Defined in index.ts:330

Copies script from hackmud to local source folder.


Name Type Description
srcPath string path to folder containing source files
hackmudPath string path to hackmud directory
scriptName string script to pull in user.script format

Returns: Promise<void>


push(srcPath: string, hackmudPath: string, users: string[], scripts: string[], callback?: undefined | (info: Info) => void): Promise<Info[]>

Defined in index.ts:220

Push a specific or all scripts to a specific or all users.
In source directory, scripts in folders will override scripts with same name for user with folder name.

e.g. foo/bar.js overrides other bar.js script just for user foo.


Name Type Description
srcPath string path to folder containing source files
hackmudPath string path to hackmud directory
users string[] users to push to (pushes to all if empty)
scripts string[] scripts to push from (pushes from all if empty)
callback? undefined | (info: Info) => void function that's called after each script has been built and written

Returns: Promise<Info[]>


pushBuilt(target: string, hackmudPath: string, user: string): Promise<{ pushedCount: number = 1 }>

Defined in index.ts:13

Copies target file or files in target folder to hackmud folder.


Name Type Description
target string file or folder to be pushed
hackmudPath string hackmud directory
user string hackmud user to target

Returns: Promise<{ pushedCount: number = 1 }>


watch(srcPath: string, hackmudPath: string, users: string[], scripts: string[], onUpdate?: undefined | (info: Info) => void): void

Defined in index.ts:101

Watches target file or folder for updates and builds and pushes updated file.


Name Type Description
srcPath string path to folder containing source files
hackmudPath string path to hackmud directory
users string[] users to push to (pushes to all if empty)
scripts string[] scripts to push from (pushes from all if empty)
onUpdate? undefined | (info: Info) => void function that's called after each script has been built and written

Returns: void