A standard command language interpreter shell.
The purpose of Two Shell is learning by building. It does not implement any novel features or compelling use case beyond existing shells. Initial code is based of the tutuorial by Josh Mcguigan [jm].
Two Shell should not be considered fit for a production environment.
The makefile has recipes for building, installing, and uninstalling Two Shell. It will install to ~/usr/local/bin/
. The install recipe will overwrite an existing Two Shell installation.
Since Two Shell is not for production or being distributed the install script does not require super user or administrator permissions. Files are installed to the users home directory.
To install run make install
. To uninstall run make uninstall
Two Shell is intended to work like any other POSIX standard shell such as GNU Bash. Any typical command line program can be run by entering the path of the binary or name as is normal.
The contents of this repository are in the public domain. Read the UNLICENSE file for details.
[scl] Shell Command Language
[gb] GNU Bash
[mj] Manjaro
[fp] Free Pascal
[gm] GNU Make
[ad] Asciidoctor
[gdb] GNU GDB