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Previously, I had a script to do various actions, both for Arch Linux and Gentoo.
That script has now been removed, since it is impossible to keep up with it, and the many configurations this repo has.
In order to copy a component to your system, you can just copy the contents of the chosen directory to your $HOME directory: the appropriate files will go where they need to go.
into any "module"'s directory, and look at
its contents with tree -a
Please make sure you review every file before overwriting your configs.
This repo no longer contains the dwm
submodule, since that would
only be endless recursion.
Instead, take a look at
- Grub theme: Gentoo Silence
- GTK theme: Breeze
- Icon theme: Tela
NOTE: If you want to change GTK's graphical settings on dwm,
such as the cursor theme or the icon theme, use a program like lxappearance
Here's a list of the Firefox addons I use:
- ClearURLs
- Return YouTube dislike
- SponsorBlock
- Temporary containers
- uBlock Origin
- Universal Bypass (now FastForward)
I have a ThinkPad T440p with an Intel Core i5-4340M (Haswell). I have installed a tool that undervolts the CPU. intel-undervolt
's configuration file is located over at /etc/intel-undervolt.conf
. My config file can be found in the root of this repository and is not copied over by default for security reasons. You have to be careful with undervolting, so read the following info CAREFULLY!
- Values over -60mV are considered UNSAFE, unless you know what you are doing!
- You know when you undervolted too much when the screen starts flickering, or you cannot perform any benchmark (either graphical benchmarks that involve the iGPU/GPU, or benchmarks that involve the CPU)
- Generally, undervolting is safer than overclocking
I have found that the best performance obtainable by my laptop was achieved by
undervolting withintel-undervolt
setting the CPU governor to "performance",
increasing the fan speed to 7/max (use the command .config/scripts/set-fan
included with my dotfiles
or use this helpful utility that comes with a GUI: tp-xfan),
and using the power supply instead of the battery
I do not recommend undervolting, unless you know what you're doing. Do it at your own risk.
I wrote my own low battery notifier. If one of your batteries' capacity is less than 20%, it will send a critical notification, containing said battery name and its capacity. To make this work, you need to install a cron manager. (I use cronie
After you're done, run this command: crontab -e
, then add these two lines
(assuming $UID is 1000
, which should be the first user you create, apart from root):
# if the user's battery's percentage is <20% and it is not charging, warn the user
* * * * * DISPLAY=:0 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 ~/.config/scripts/bat-warn
You're done! I also have this in my root crontab:
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/updatedb
Every 30 minutes the command updatedb
will run, so that the next time you run locate FILE
it will be very fast to show you where a file is.