Dissertation project for MSc Climate Change.
The MODELS.ipynb
and DATA.ipynb
are general walkthroughs of the modelling and data pipelines. These are a good place to start to understand where the other processing code is.
- 3/17/2021: Dissertation proposal submitted
- 3/31/2021: Progress presentation to lab group
Dataset | Timescale | Units | File |
CO2 (NOAA ESRL) | 1980 - 11/2020 | ppm | |
CO2 (MLO, SPO) | 1958 - 10/2020 | GtC/month | |
Land temp (CRUTEM5) | 1850 - 2019 | anomaly in degC | |
SST (HadSST4) | 1850 - 2019 | anomaly in degC | |
Precipitation (TS4) | 1901 - 12/2019 | mm/month | |
Wind speed | ? | m/s | |
Global carbon budget | 1959 - 2019 | ||
DGVMs | 1700 - 12/2019 | GtC/month | |
GOBMs | 1958 - 12/2019 | GtC/month | |
FF emissions | 1959 - 11/2019 | kgCO2/month | |
Monthly CO2 gr | 1980 - 11/2020 | gtCO2/month | CO2/co2_mm_gl.csv |