- Presentation Hack4Sweden "Maximize the usage of Open Data" - Eat your own Dog food - tweet
Jupyter Notebooks contains examples on how to access open data through APIs. It was made for Hack for Sweden 2019 to see if this is a way forward making Open Data easier to reuse....
You can also run these examples on mybinder.org, but inactivity will shut you down and work wont be saved.
With this API you can get events based on when, where and what, for more details read this.
- polisen-se.ipynb - added by @salgo60
- see also Analysis of Crimes in the City of New York
- Crime prediction using ML in Chichago
- see also in Swedish question about how we get this happen with Swedish Öppen data and the importance of semantic interopability
- Crime prediction using ML in Chichago
From this API you get summarizing statistics of the registered stress related diseases that Försäkringskassan is compensating. The information is described on a county and municipality level on a quarterly basis.
For more details, see the reference documentation.
- Försäkringskassan.ipynb - added by @salgo60
Getting data from locations of groundmeasurements of groundwater, for more details read this.
- Vinnova.ipynb - added by salgo60
Wikidata provides machine readable data from the Wikipedia project, licenced under a Creative Commons "No rights reserved" licence called CC-0.
- wikidata-org.ipynb - added by salgo60 along with this video
- Presentation Hack4Sweden "Maximize the usage of Open Data" Notebooks)
- Github Explore open data Zürich
- Github Open Data Bikes Analysis Bordeaux and Lyon
- Github Cannabis sales reports data in Colorado Jupyter notebook