The creation of this project carries the idea of applying knowledge of Front and Back development.
In the past, while working in marketing, I had a lot of experience working with real estate agencies.
So the idea for my project did not take long to arrive.
This site is a platform for providing clients with up-to-date information and attracting new clients.
Using this website, the agency can:
- Receive a sorted list of leads from forms on the website.
- Receive a list of unprocessed leads and change their status after processing.
- Download a file with a list of all emails received from forms for further use for marketing purposes.
- View and edit the list and characteristics of real estate displayed on the site.
- Add and remove real estate objects to/from the site.
- View, edit, delete and add users to site management.
- Access the site from any device.
==> Learn more about the admin panel
==> View conceptual model of database
I tried to adhere to two main principles:
Was created under the MIT Licence
To work with this project you will need GIT,
Composer and
If you use
VSCode you can use the plugin "Live Sass Compiler"
- On the command line, navigate to the folder where the project will be deployed. Then copy it from
GitHub :
$ git clone
Create a .env file and add your data there as specified in the .env.example file
Installing dependencies:
While in the working directory in the terminal command line:
composer require vlucas/phpdotenv
composer require "twig/twig:^3.0"
composer require --dev symfony/var-dumper
In case of adding new PHP files:
composer dump-autoload
In my project I connected Swiper.js and Bootstrap via cdn. If you need to install via npm:
- Check if Node.js is installed:
$ node --version
or $ node -v
My PHP version
My Composer version
My twig version
My Bootstrap version
My Swiper.js version
My phpdotenv version
My var-dumper version
"autoload": {
"classmap": [