Make easy async api calls with redux.
npm i -S redux-call-api
git clone && cd redux-call-api
npm i && npm test
First, you need to write a config object.
const config = {
provider: {
// `provider` is a required object. It must contain at least `request` function
request: (reqObj) => {
// `reqObj` is created by you (see below)
// you may do whatever you want here, but must return a promise object
actions: {
// `actions` is a required object. It must contain keys, matching `type` prop of redux actions.
'FOO': {
makeApiObj: (action) => {
// again, do whatever you want, but return an object with at least `request` prop.
return {
request: {
// required. This is the `reqObj` which will be passed into `provider.request` function (see above)
// you may construct it as you want
url: `/foo/${}/`,
method: 'post',
header: ['baz', 'bar']
// here go optional hook functions
beforeRequest: (apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {
// `apiObj` is the object returned by `makeApiObj`, pre-process it as you want
// do not return anything, just modify `apiObj`'s keys
onSuccess: (response, apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {
// `response` is whatever `provider.request` returns when resolves
onFailure: (response, apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {
// `response` is whatever `provider.request` returns when rejects
Then, create a CallApi
object with config and just call request
import CallApi from 'redux-call-api'
const api = new CallApi(config);
const action = {
type: 'FOO',
payload: {id: 11}
api.request(action, dispatch, getState); // you can obtain `dispatch` and `getState` from redux store
With the config object like above, request
just calls makeApiObj
function, gets request object and calls config.provider.request
function with it. Not very useful for our redux app. That's why you probably want to use BasicConfig
constructor to create your config object. But it's not mandatory, it's just config with convenient hooks already being set up.
import CallApi, {BasicConfig} from 'redux-call-api'
const actions = {
'FOO': {
makeApiObj: function() {
return {
// required
request: {},
// now, this is required, too
actionTypes: {
request: 'FOO_REQUEST',
success: 'FOO_SUCCESS',
failure: 'FOO_FAILURE',
// optional per-action hooks, will be called only for that action
beforeRequest: (apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {},
onSuccess: (response, apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {},
onFailure: (response, apiObj, dispatch, getState) => {}
const config = new BasicConfig(actions, provider); // see above for details about `provider`
const api = new CallApi(config);
Now, when you call api.request({type: 'FOO'}, dispatch, getState)
, the following will happen:
- 'FOO_REQUEST' action will be dispatched
- 'FOO_SUCCESS' action will be dispatched if
resolves. It will be equal:
type: 'FOO_SUCCESS',
meta: metaInfo // response object without `data` key
- 'FOO_FAILURE' action will be dispatched if
rejects. It will be equal:
type: 'FOO_FAILURE',
payload: || response,
error: true,
meta: metaInfo // response object without `data` key
Personally, I use axios as my provider, but you can use any other promise-based solution.
import axios from 'axios'
const provider = {
request: (reqObj) => {
return axios(reqObj); // that's easy
You can use redux-trigger-middleware. Make a trigger config:
const triggerConfig = {
actions: {
// trigger: 'LOAD_FOO',
// or you can write a predicate, which will trigger on any action type that begins with 'LOAD'
trigger: (action) => /^LOAD/.test(action.type),
handler: (action, dispatch, getState) => api.request(action, dispatch, getState)
Some use cases