Readwise - An AI-powered application that enables instant, interactive discussions with any PDF document by simply uploading the file
Readwise is an AI-driven application that transforms your PDF reading experience. By simply uploading any PDF document, you can engage in interactive discussions, ask questions, and uncover key insights, all in real time. It's a user-friendly tool that bridges the gap between readers and texts, enhancing comprehension and collaboration.
Frameworks: NextJS v13.5.4, TypeScript v5.0, tRPC v10.40.0
State Management: React Context, React-Query for Caches v4.36.1
CSS Library: TailwindCss v3.0
UI Library: Shadcn UI
Backend Frameworks: Node v18.18.0, Severless NextJS
Database: Postgresql (hosted on , ODM: Prisma v5.4.2
Authentication: Kinde
Vector Database and AI: Pinecone, OpenAI
Storage: Uploadthing
Payment: Stripe
Others: React Hook Form v7.47.0, Zod v3.22.4, React PDF Renderer v3.1.13
This web application is SEO optimized and has a full score of 100 from the lighthouse report. Most of the data is cached and optimized to run on different devices and to be super fast in retrieving data and minimal navigation load.
Lighthouse Audits:
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