Burger On Wheels is a E-commerce web application to order and track your favourite food. This application allows the vendors to add food items using a admin panel and the user can buy their favourite food from the selected vendor. This application is highly customizable for the admin.
UI Desgin Tool: Figma
Frontend Frameworks: React v18.2.0
State Management: React Context API
UI Library: antd UI v4.22.3
API Environment: GraphQl v16.5.0, Apollo-Server v3.10.0
Backend Frameworks: Node v14.17.1
Database: MongoDB, ODM: Mongoose v6.2.0
This web application is SEO optimized and has a full score of 100 from lighthouse report. Most of the data is cached and optimized to run on different devices and to be super fast in retriving data and minimal navigation load.
For support, email [email protected] or message me in Linkedin.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to [email protected]