This library provides Junit 4 Rule and Junit 5 Extension which provides an embedded HBase server. It can be setup by custom configuration or default. The rule and extension has also helper methods to work with hbase table and namespace such as create, delete, truncate and etc.
public static HbaseRule hbaseRule = HbaseRule.newBuilder()
.addTable("table", "cf")
public void test() throws Exception {
try (Connection hbaseConnection = createConnection(hbaseRule.getZKAddress(), 3000);
Table table = hbaseConnection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("table"))) {
String rowKey = "rowKey";
String value = "value";
String qualifier = "q";
// Put some data to HBase table.
Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));
put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes(qualifier), Bytes.toBytes(value));
// Get data from HBase table and validate it.
Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey));
get.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes(qualifier));
Result result = table.get(get);
for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) {
Assert.assertEquals(rowKey, Bytes.toString(cell.getRow()));
Assert.assertEquals(value, Bytes.toString(cell.getValue()));
It's also possible to define table on setup and delete the data on tearDown.
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
hbaseRule.createTable("table", "cf");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
This rule provide several helper methods such as countRows(), deleteTable(), truncateTable() and etc.
public void test() throws Exception {
// You expect number of rows already put in HBase table.
Assert.assertEquals(10 , hbaseRule.countRows("tableOnBuilder"));
// Delete table data.
// You expect 0 rows in HBase table after cleaning.
Assert.assertEquals(0, hbaseRule.countRows("table"));
In case of using Junit 5, You can use HbaseExtension extension like this:
static HbaseExtension hbaseExtension = HbaseExtension.newBuilder()
.addTable("table", "cf")
static void setUp() throws Exception {
hbaseExtension.createTable("table", "cf");
void test() throws Exception {
// You expect number of rows already put in HBase table.
assertEquals(10 , hbaseExtension.countRows("tableOnBuilder"));
// Delete table data.
// You expect 0 rows in HBase table after cleaning.
assertEquals(0, hbaseExtension.countRows("table"));
You can reference to this library by either of java build systems (Maven, Gradle, SBT or Leiningen) using snippets from
this jitpack link:
But note that you should rewrite all optional dependencies defined in pom in pom of your own project too. That's because here we have defined dependencies as optional to avoid accidantally changing the type (original or * cloudera*, normal or shaded) and version of your hadoop dependencies.
If you have used hadoop client libraries, you have already some hadoop dependencies in your project. Now you should provide some other dependencies for hadoop server and test libraries. Note that you should provide them with the same type and version but in test scope.
JUnit 4 and 5 dependencies are marked as optional, so you need to provide JUnit 4 or 5 dependency (based on what version you need, and you use) in you project to make it work.