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Immutable directed graphs should know that they are directed #15810

simon-king-jena opened this issue Feb 11, 2014 · 49 comments

Immutable directed graphs should know that they are directed #15810

simon-king-jena opened this issue Feb 11, 2014 · 49 comments


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sage: Q = DiGraph({1:{2:['a','b'], 3:['c']}, 2:{3:['d']}})
sage: Q.is_directed_acyclic()
sage: I = Q.copy(immutable=True)
sage: I.is_directed_acyclic()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-1dc52c5fb57c> in <module>()
----> 1 I.is_directed_acyclic()

/home/king/Sage/git/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/digraph.pyc in is_directed_acyclic(self, certificate)
   1117             False
   1118         """
-> 1119         return self._backend.is_directed_acyclic(certificate = certificate)
   1121     def to_directed(self):

/home/king/Sage/git/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/base/ in sage.graphs.base.c_graph.CGraphBackend.is_directed_acyclic (sage/graphs/base/c_graph.c:19314)()

ValueError: Input must be a directed graph.

Depends on #15623

CC: @nathanncohen

Component: graph theory

Keywords: immutable directed graph

Author: Nathann Cohen

Branch/Commit: d6ca86c

Reviewer: Simon King

Issue created by migration from

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Variation of the theme:

sage: Q = DiGraph({1:{2:['a','b'], 3:['c']}, 2:{3:['d']}}, immutable=True)
sage: Q.is_directed_acyclic()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-a8ff599a3235> in <module>()
----> 1 Q.is_directed_acyclic()

/home/king/Sage/git/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/digraph.pyc in is_directed_acyclic(self, certificate)
   1108             False
   1109         """
-> 1110         return self._backend.is_directed_acyclic(certificate = certificate)
   1112     def to_directed(self):

/home/king/Sage/git/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/base/ in sage.graphs.base.c_graph.CGraphBackend.is_directed_acyclic (sage/graphs/base/c_graph.c:19328)()

/home/king/Sage/git/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/base/ in sage.graphs.base.c_graph.bitset_init (sage/graphs/base/c_graph.c:3113)()

ValueError: bitset capacity must be greater than 0

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PS: In that case, barks, too.

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


That's because in static_sparse_backend the binary variable for directed is self.directed instead of self._directed............


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Replying to @nathanncohen:

That's because in static_sparse_backend the binary variable for directed is self.directed instead of self._directed............

So, easy to fix, then? What are the dependencies of this ticket? Actually, the error with the master branch is as in comment:1, whereas I get the error shown in the ticket description with a different branch (develop?).

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Branch: u/SimonKing/ticket/15810

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Dependencies: #15623

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New commits:

175027dMerge branch 'u/SimonKing/ticket/15623' of git:// into ticket/15810
1382f4fTrac 15810: Replace ._directed by .directed for immutable graph backend

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Commit: 1382f4f

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Author: Simon King

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There is more than this one type "_directed --> directed" to fix.

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Arg... I was uploading mine :-/


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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


NOnonono it's not this one that should be changed. Give me a second.


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When I generally replace _directed by directed for static graph backend, I get numerous errors!!

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Replying to @nathanncohen:

NOnonono it's not this one that should be changed. Give me a second.


Why not? It fixes it.

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With my branch, all tests in sage.graphs pass. So, what's the problem?

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


When I generally replace _directed by directed for static graph backend, I get numerous errors!!

The file static_graph_backend also contains a CGraph class, which uses .directed and not _directed. It's just a terrible choice. It has to be ._directed for GraphBackend and .directed for CGraph. And if you change the value used in is_directed_acyclic that's going to fail when the backend is a SparseGraph. :-/


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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


With my branch, all tests in sage.graphs pass. So, what's the problem?


No problem with SparseGraph backends ? Then I don't get it either.


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Replying to @nathanncohen:

No problem with SparseGraph backends ? Then I don't get it either.


sage: D = DiGraph({1:{2:['a','b'], 3:['c']}, 2:{3:['d']}})
sage: D.is_directed_acyclic()
sage: I = D.copy(immutable=True)
sage: I.is_directed_acyclic()
sage: D._backend
<class 'sage.graphs.base.sparse_graph.SparseGraphBackend'>
sage: I._backend
<class 'sage.graphs.base.static_sparse_backend.StaticSparseBackend'>

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Replying to @nathanncohen:

No problem with SparseGraph backends ? Then I don't get it either.

Did you not fix something of this kind in #15623 (which is a dependency)?

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Did you not fix something of this kind in #15623 (which is a dependency)?

No idea O_o

It's merged anyway, so what's the point ?

I'm trying to find out why your branch works while I thought it wouldn't.


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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


OK, but this seems to indicate that _backend.directed and _backend._directed are both used and are out of sync. That's bad. Perhaps this can be cleaned up in this ticket.

Yeah, the .directed variable is set explicitly in the DiGraph constructor. I will update my branch in a second and add a message here when it is done.


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Replying to @nathanncohen:

Yeah, the .directed variable is set explicitly in the DiGraph constructor. I will update my branch in a second and add a message here when it is done.

OK. Will your branch include #15623 (i.e., more than master)?

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


OK. Will your branch include #15623 (i.e., more than master)?

Well.... It will be based on develop, and include nothing else.


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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


By the way if you use the dev scripts and if they use the master branch as a default then that's probably a bug that should be fixed. Could you write to sage-git if that's the case ?


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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


What do you think of the current public/15810 ? It removes the ugly definition of .directed in the constructor of DiGraph. Another part of the code used this .directed once, and I converted it too. Now, Backends only have a ._directed flag, as indicated by the very first lines of GenericGraphBackend


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Replying to @nathanncohen:

What do you think of the current public/15810

Can you remind me how to obtain that branch and how to set the default location for pushing a commit?

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Can you remind me how to obtain that branch and how to set the default location for pushing a commit?

git fetch trac public/15810:local_branch will fetch this branch and call it local_branch on your computer.

I do not know if it is what you ask with your second question, but git push trac local_branch:remote_branch will upload local_branch on Trac where it will be called remote_branch. remote_branch can be something like public/168543843 or u/your_trac_login/7687687.


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Thank you!


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Is the purpose of this ticket to remove the confusion between _directed and directed? Then it needs work, as both is still in the code.

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Is the purpose of this ticket to remove the confusion between _directed and directed? Then it needs work, as both is still in the code.

Where ?

  • There is a Graph._directed which cannot be renamed to .directed, for that's an internal variable
  • With this ticket there is a CGraphBackend._directed, and only that.
  • There is a CGraph.directed, as before.

How simple can it get ? We only store this boolean 3 times, and probably have as many functions that only return its value >_<


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king@linux-etl7:~/Sage/git/sage> grep "\._directed" -R src/sage/graphs/ | grep pyx:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        self._directed = cg.directed
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if self._directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if self._directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/sparse_graph.pyx:        self._directed = directed
src/sage/graphs/base/sparse_graph.pyx:                      self._cg, self._cg_rev, self._directed)
src/sage/graphs/base/sparse_graph.pyx:                      self._cg, self._cg_rev, self._directed)
src/sage/graphs/base/sparse_graph.pyx:                      self._cg, self._cg_rev, self._directed)
src/sage/graphs/base/sparse_graph.pyx:                      self._cg, self._cg_rev, self._directed)
src/sage/graphs/base/dense_graph.pyx:        self._directed = directed
src/sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx:        if self._directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx:                     (self._directed and
src/sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx:        if not self._directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx:        if not self._directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/c_graph.pyx:        if not self.graph._directed:
src/sage/graphs/graph_decompositions/vertex_separation.pyx:        if G._directed:


king@linux-etl7:~/Sage/git/sage> grep "\.directed" -R src/sage/graphs/ | grep pyx:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        self.directed = G.is_directed()
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if not self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if not self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if not self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        self._directed = cg.directed
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if not cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:            if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:            if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:            if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:            if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:        if cg.directed:
src/sage/graphs/generic_graph_pyx.pyx:        self.directed = G.is_directed()
src/sage/graphs/generic_graph_pyx.pyx:        if self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/generic_graph_pyx.pyx:                    if is_admissible and self.directed:
src/sage/graphs/generic_graph_pyx.pyx:        if self.directed:

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PS: There are numerous hits for both directed and _directed in .py files, too.

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Oh. Looks like the CGraph do not insist on having a _directed or a directed. So I can change the instances of static_sparse_backend if you like. I don't think that those of SubgraphSearch matter to you, do they ? Those are the ones you find in generic_graph_pyx.pyx.

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


I updated the branch with a new commit. I set it as this ticket's branch so that you can see it more easily. The only .directed that remain are those of SubgraphSearch in generic_graph_pyx.pyx.


New commits:

e9796a1trac #15810: Immutable directed graphs should know that they are directed
d6ca86ctrac #15810: The graph data structures may have a ._directed but no .directed

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014

Changed branch from u/SimonKing/ticket/15810 to public/15810

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014

Changed commit from 1382f4f to d6ca86c

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Could you elaborate why you remove one line in the following chunks, rather than replace .directed by ._directed?

diff --git a/src/sage/graphs/ b/src/sage/graphs/
index f869bb0..d95e96e 100644
--- a/src/sage/graphs/
+++ b/src/sage/graphs/
@@ -919,7 +919,6 @@ class DiGraph(GenericGraph):
                 self._weighted = weighted
                 self.allow_loops(loops, check=False)
                 self.allow_multiple_edges(multiedges, check=False)
-            self._backend.directed = True
             raise NotImplementedError("Supported implementations: networkx, c_graph.")
diff --git a/src/sage/graphs/ b/src/sage/graphs/
index a3f1dcd..4d15305 100644
--- a/src/sage/graphs/
+++ b/src/sage/graphs/
@@ -1542,7 +1542,6 @@ class Graph(GenericGraph):
                 self._weighted = weighted
                 self.allow_loops(loops, check=False)
                 self.allow_multiple_edges(multiedges, check=False)
-            self._backend.directed = False
             raise NotImplementedError("Supported implementations: networkx, c_graph.")

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Because several lines above those two lines, self._backend is created using the backend's constructor, which takes the value True/False as an input.

And well, setting the value of a private variable of the backend is the backend's constructor's job. So this way, the constructors of !Graph and DiGraph do not mess with what they should not touch, the value of _directed is set only in the backend's constructor's code, and there is no fancy alias in the backend that is set where there should not be.


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Replying to @nathanncohen:

And well, setting the value of a private variable of the backend is the backend's constructor's job. So this way, the constructors of !Graph and DiGraph do not mess with what they should not touch, the value of _directed is set only in the backend's constructor's code, and there is no fancy alias in the backend that is set where there should not be.

OK. Then, provided tests pass, it will be positive review.

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Thank you, Nathann!


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Changed author from Simon King to Nathann Cohen

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Reviewer: Simon King

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nathanncohen mannequin commented Feb 11, 2014


Thanks for the review :-)


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vbraun commented Feb 14, 2014

Changed branch from public/15810 to d6ca86c

@vbraun vbraun closed this as completed in df445cb Feb 14, 2014
tscrim pushed a commit to tscrim/sage that referenced this issue Jun 1, 2023
* develop: (58 commits)
  Updated Sage version to 6.2.beta2
  fix doctest error
  Limit the GAP command line history
  integrate better with Integer.is_prime
  Combine ECM-GMP with Baillie-PSW for prime factorization
  Cleaned up documentation and formatting.
  add doctesr
  Trac 15262: fix combine function
  trac sagemath#15810: The graph data structures may have a ._directed but no .directed
  ignore randomness in assertion
  trac sagemath#15810: Immutable directed graphs should know that they are directed
  Trac 15166: regression test
  Fix representation of RIF elements with large exponent
  docbuilding: suppress warnings during latex build
  workaround for the utf8 code points in the Sage banner
  Trac 15798: fix mwrank doctest for Solaris
  do not abbreviate 3.99999... to 3.99 with # abs tol 1e-2
  setuptools: export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE and silence a warning about it
  Remove .hgignore files
  PARI: fix pow, mod and shift operators
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