To build Sage binaries, just clone this repository and run
git clone
cd binary-pkg
make bdist-sage-linux # If you are on Linux
make bdist-sage-osx # If you are on OSX
ls dist/ # Built binaries will be in this directory
Edit sage.yaml
if you want to build something else than the current
Sage develop
git branch.
This utility helps with creating binaries for distribution. Similar to conda, it builds the source tree in a long directory name which is then patched at install time. It is written for Sage ( but equally work for other software.
Building and packaging of an application is configured with a yaml file in the repository root. As an example, there is test.yaml and sage.yaml. To create a binary tarball for Sage, for example, all you have to do is run
make package-sage
This creates a tarball with an added
file that
patches any hard-coded paths. If there are more than one packaging
configurations (see below), then the first one is used by default. Use
variable to pick another one, for example
make package-sage PACKAGE="OSX DMG image"
In particular, see below for the different Mac packaging possibilities.
Binary packaging information can be specified with a YAML configuration file. As a simplified example, let us look at the test application in the test.yaml file. It starts with the name:
name: PackagingTest
which will be the name of the root directory in the binary tarball. Our basic assumption is that your source code lives in a git repository, which we specify next:
branch: master
Then we have a (bash) build script to build the application
build: |
autoreconf -vfi
After the build is complete, we need to know the version. Typically this can be gotten via a command line switch of the application, though in this case we cheat. In any case, the output of this script is the version:
version: |
echo 1.0
Finally, we define how to package the built source tree. There may be more than one way to package the application, each of which is distinguished by an internal name.
- name: Full binary tarball
command: |
tar cjf {dist}/test-{version}-{osname}-{arch}.tar.bz2 {path}
- include: '**'
- exclude: '**/*.a'
The files
section is a list of include/exclude directives, to be
read from the bottom up. That is, later directives override earlier
ones. The rewrite_path
section defines a subset of the files that
are to be ignored when rewriting hard-coded paths. In this example,
all files are included but paths in static archives are not patched.
Any *.mk
file in the root directory will be included in the
for recurring build targets.
There are three options for packaging Mac. The default will simply
create a .tar.gz
file, which is usually not what one wants on Mac.
To create a Mac disk image file of the normal Sage command line distribution, use this package option:
make package-sage PACKAGE="OSX DMG image"
To create a Mac disk image file of the Mac app bundle with menu items and which automatically launches a notebook, use
make package-sage PACKAGE="OSX mac app"