Demonstrates the usage of binary build types in OpenShift
Each of the examples described below can be deployed to OpenShift through the use of templates found in the templates folder
The following examples are available to demonstrate the the usage of Binary builds. It is expected that a project be available or a new project created for each of the examples.
The cakephp-binary-build-with-src folder contains the source code for a complete CakePHP application
Instantiate the template by navigating to the templates folder and running the following command:
oc process -f cakephp-binary-build.json | oc create -f -
Cancel the initial build that is automatically started
oc cancel-build cakephp-binary-app-1
Navigating back the root of the repository, execute the following command to upload the cakephp-binary-build-with-src folder as the source for the build
oc start-build cakephp-binary-app --from-dir=cakephp-binary-build-with-src
Once the build completes, the application can be accessed through the route created as part of the template instantiation. To determine the URL of the route, run oc get routes
Compiled artifacts, such as Java Web Archives can be easily deployed to OpenShift through the use of Binary builds. When used in conjunction with the Source to Image, artifacts can be deployed to the platform within the image automatically.
The jboss-binary-build-with-artifact folder contains the folder structure necessary to deploy pre-built artifacts to the JBoss platform during a source to image build. The deployments folder contains a sample web archive based application named ROOT.war which will result in the application being accessible at the root context when the image is used within a running container.
Instantiate the template by navigating to the templates folder and running the following command:
oc process -f jboss-eap64-binary-build.json | oc create -f -
Cancel the initial build that is automatically started
oc cancel-build eap-binary-app-1
Navigating back the root of the repository, execute the following command to upload the jboss-binary-build-with-artifact folder as the source for the build
oc start-build eap-binary-app --from-dir=jboss-binary-build-with-artifact
Once the build completes, the application can be accessed through the route created as part of the template instantiation. To determine the URL of the route, run oc get routes