Architect Decision
Spark-streaming or Flink-streaming need cluster to submit jobs, will not make any attempt so far.
1. Kafka Producer
2. Kafka Consumer
3. Kafka Streaming
Materialize the KTable.
Sink to Big Query using Streaming API provided by GCP.
Handover Topology management to spring and only need to configure the connection info in one place.
4. InteractiveQuery to Ktable.
Get the time-accumulated result.
Get the KafkaStreams by bean injection in Spring, refer to here.
- Prepare the kafka cluster, can follow the instruction here and run on the top of docker.
- Create the topics in yml in advance.
- Check the big query connection info whether is defined correctly in yml.
The producer to send msg and streaming-interactive-query to query are open on Swagger page, once you start this project.
The incoming topics can be viewd on Kafdrop or log.