#A Simple Flocking System
This needs the NGL graphics library to be installed
This is a simple visualization system for a flocking simuator. The controls are, from left to right and top to bottom :
Flock Tab:
- Number of boids in the current scene.
- Initial position of created boids - Random or Center
- Generate a new flock with set number of boids and initial positions
- Slider for changing cohesion Weight
- Slider for changing separation Weight
- Slider for changing alignment weight
- Slider for changing scalar speed
- Button for adding individual boids
- Button for removing individual boids
- Button for adding food for the boids to pursue and consume
- Button for removing food
- Checkbox for setting a leader for the boids to follow
- Checkbox for setting a simple game-mode to shoot down boids. Aim and click.
- Checkbox for setting a predator for the boids to evade
Obstacle Tab:
- Drop-down list of available obstacle shapes
- Button to add obstacles
- Button to remove obstacles
#Food Pursuit
#Obstacle Avoidance
#Leader following
#'Shotgun mode'