a amulet with an power / guarding animal / creature
- it can magical glow
- useful as prop
- motive can be easily changed
- material
- wood
- acrylic
- glowing / lighting effects
- creature / animal / symbol ideas
- see inspiration.md
- saurian
- lizard
- owl
- phoenix
- dragon
- moon
- star
- flower of life
- tree of life
the housing is build from 4 Layers of 4mm pine plywood parts.
the Acrylic inlay consists of 4 2mm parts.
the Backside is hold by 3 M3-Screws.
for this the nuts are inserted before the first three plywood parts
(front, in_front, in_back) are glued together.
this rope has a core that can be exchanged with cables.
→ currently there is a APA102 60LEDs/m pixel-strip (3 segments with each 4LEDs)
fitted. (this was to get done in time 😄)
the electronic parts are hand-soldered / assembled.
for this there is a helper that can be manufactured out of >= 1mm cardboard
→ first iteration of this did not work. holes are to big.
but i managed to create a working test:
pcb see magic_amulet_pcbs / LEDBoard_4x4_HD
and with a bunch of sensors
- LEDs: Nichia 124 (switched to Rohm MSL0402RGB - they are smaller)
- driver: TLC5971 (switched to TLC5957 - just to test a new type :-) )