In order to run project locally, you need to have docker, and docker-compose installed. You can see detailed instructions how to install it here: Docker and here: Docker Compose
To run the project locally navigate to a project directory, and build docker image:
docker-compose build
and after that, start the project by running:
docker-compose up
The project should be available on
To run automated tests you should have container up and running. First section explains how to achieve it. After that you can run the tests by executing:
docker exec movies_api python3 test
To develop this app I have used requests, whitenoise and django-rest-framework. I have used requests to build movie-service which handle external API requests. Whitenoise serves static files from django-rest-framework. Django-rest-framework was used to actually build API, including serializers and views. For SQLite/PostgreSQL handling python-dotenv and dj-database-url are in use.
App uses sql-lite local database, when ran locally. When deployed to heroku, it doesnt gets .env_prod file, which have DATABASE_URL env variable changed to production database uri.
Takes title of a movie as argument (in JSON file), and saves it to database.
{'title':'The Shining'}
Returns all movies in database.
Takes movie id and comment as arguments and add comment to database.
Returns all coments from database.
Returns ranking of movies from specified period of time.