This is a study variant of 09_shooter
distributed as a part of examples of
Pyxel game engine.
I break all-in-one script into pieces of scripts for a view of modularity. Unfortunately, Pyxel game packager does not support making a binary from separated scripts, so this copy should be executed from source tree.
You need to install Python, Pyxel game engine and its dependent libraries according to its instruction.
And then in the project root directory, execute a command like below:
python -m ex09_shooter
PYTHONPATH=$PWD python ex09_shooter
Press Enter
to start game.
Once game is started, use cursor key to move your space ship and press space key repeatedly to fire bullets. A game is over when you and an alien crashes.
- Break into small pieces of modules
- Styled according to "Google Python Style Guide" (thanks to "yapf" formatter.)
- Introduce scene objects
to separete concern - (Tiny bug fix) Append a
object once toblast_list