##Installing Erlang (R16 or greater)
To install the newest Erlang version, first run Homebrew's update:
brew update
Then install Erlang R16:
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install erlang-r16
If you don't use Homebrew, please visit Erlang's website for more information on building and installing Erlang.
##Installing Elixir (v0.9.0 or greater)
Once Erlang R16 or higher is installed on your machine, install Elixir from Homebrew (be sure to update Homebrew first!):
brew install elixir
Again, if you don't use Homebrew, please visit Elixir's website for installation instructions and precompiled packages.
From the project root directory, run the following in console to compile the application:
mix compile
Then compile the play task:
elixirc tasks/play.ex
##Playing a Game
From the project root directory, run the command to start a new game:
mix play
##Running Tests
From the project root directory, run the following in console:
mix test