Since I am no longer using either NodeJS as a backend language or AngularJS as a frontend library, I am no longer maintaining this project. I would recommend looking at GoLang ( as a backend language and ReactJS ( as a frontend library.
This is a seed for an AngularJS and ExpressJS application. This setup should allow you to get an application quickly up a running all locally with a computer that has NodeJS installed on it.
Since this uses KoaJS, It requires generator support so you need to use use Node version v0.11.x+.
This also generate source maps for SASS so SASS 3.4+ needs to be installed.
- Download the repository
- Make sure you have the following npm packages installed globally:
- gulp
- bower
- karma (if you want you do unit testing, and you SHOULD)
- dalek-cli (if you wanted to do UI unit testing/integration testing, and you should)
- Run the commands npm install && bower install
- Go to the web folder and run node koa.js (this will serve the index-dev.html file)
Here is what is included so far. As I continue to belong more with AngularJS and KoaJS, this project will continually be updated.
- Includes a basic structure for angular applications that has worked for me
- This uses Gulp and Bower for a lot of the work
- Includes custom build meta data system (to be smart about building files) and a custom static asset rewriter (to allow for indefinite caching of files), everything else uses 3rd party gulp plugins.