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Ensures that wikilinks in markdown notes in apps like logseq, obsidian, etc point to existing pages, are as verbose as possible, and many other relevant lints.


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A linter whose goal is to lint wikilinks in a variety of markdown note taking apps to enable maximal networked thinking. Currently supports logseq. Is fundamentally designed to aide in the zettelkasten method of note taking.

Uses miette for beautiful 🦀 rust style error messages. 🦀

Uses git pre-commit to integrate with your git workflow.

- repo:
  rev: <VERSION>
    - id: mdlinker

Linking works best when you spell things correctly, in both your filenames and file contents. Also this tool only works with ASCII characters at the moment (see #45). I recommend adding the following pre-commit hooks before this one:

  - repo:
    rev: v1.23.7
      - id: typos
  - repo:
    rev: <VERSION>
      - id: enforce-ascii
      - id: mdlinker


Put a mdlinker.toml in your project root to configure the linter.

Options are defined in src/config/ as a serde object, and can be overwritten in the cli, see mdlinker --help and the docstrings for full details.

# This is the folder where filenames which represent linkable words go.
pages_directory = "pages"

# These are any other folders you wish to scan. These can't be linked to. Usually these are things which link to items in the pages_directory.
other_directories = ["journal", "notes"]

# Exclusions
# This is how you silence specific rules or instances of errors
# It accepts glob patterns
exclude = [
ignore_word_pairs = [
    ["foo", "foobar"],
]  # These are pairs of words which look similar in your filenames but are not the same. Suppresses SimilarFilename rule.

# The Similar Filename rule can match on n_grams, like "Barrack Obama". But in order to do this, you need to set the max number of words in an ngram.
# You really don't need to change any of these
ngram_size = 3
boundary_pattern = r"___" # This is a regex pattern to match on filenames to stop ngram generation (like at a hierarchy or sentence boundary). In logseq this is represented with three underscores.
filename_match_threshold = 100 # This is the similarity threshold for the similar filename rule. It is an integer corresponding to the output of the [fuzzy-matcher]( crate.
filename_spacing_pattern = "-|_|\s" # This is a regex pattern to split filenames into words. It is used for the ngram generation.

# Compatibility
# These are options that are meant to help us eventually prototype this system for other tools like obsidian. They convert filenames in the "pages_directory" to aliases, and aliases to filenames in the "pages_directory". Do not change these unless you know what you are doing.
filename_to_alias = ["___", "/"]
alias_to_filename = ["/", "___"]

Lint Rules

  • Similar Files: Two files share a very similar title. Maybe you should combine them! Uses a fuzzy finder and ngram similarity. O(n^2) complexity in the number of files.
  • Duplicate Alias: If using something like logseq aliases, make sure they are always unique (also compares them to filenames).
  • Broken Wikilink: Some wikilinks linked resource does not exist. Maybe you should create the page, or maybe the link title is misspelled?
  • Unlinked Text: Text was detected which is very similar to some file title or alias. Maybe you should wrap it as a link?


  • Logseq Folder Structure
  • Logseq Hierarchy
  • Yaml Front Matter
  • Logseq Aliases (in Yaml Front Matter)
  • [[url]] and [[title|url]] style wikilinks
  • #[[url]] and #url tags
  • Links to other files in the "other_directories"
  • Marksman [[#url]] tags
  • Logseq properties ":: style" (Won't implement, use yaml front matter)
  • Obsidian Folder Structure (PRs welcome)
  • Obsidian Aliases (PRs welcome)
  • Marksman
  • Roam
  • Zettelkasten


Ensures that wikilinks in markdown notes in apps like logseq, obsidian, etc point to existing pages, are as verbose as possible, and many other relevant lints.







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