Have you ever passed a cute dog on the street and thought "I wonder what breed that dog is"?
Well, wonder no more. whosagoodboy is a simple web app which allows you, through the power of machine learning, identify what breed that a mystery dog might be.
- A Tensorflow model is trained on the Stanford Dogs dataset
- The model is converted into a model TensorflowJS can consume and labels are outputted as a JSON file
- The model and labels are used in the Next.js application to classify images on the client
Then when a user uploads a photo, we are able to do the following:
- Crop the photo so that it uses a square aspect ratio and then resize it to dimensions which are acceptable for classification
- Pass transformed photo to the Tensorflow model to predict what breeds are most likely associated with the photo
- Classification results are mapped to outputted labels to identify dog breeds predictions
- Use Wikipedia to provide general information on the dog breeds being classified
Documentation for running different parts of the app can be found here: