Laravel 5 Eloquent Database models to interact with MODX database.
This package helps you build Laravel applications that queries MODX pages/content and template variables. Use all the modern and beautiful features of the Laravel framework and give your users the ease of the MODX CMS.
$ composer require rvanmarkus/modx-laravel-models
Or add this to your composer.json
"require": {
"rvanmarkus/modx-laravel-models": "dev-master"
##Getting started
Connect your laravel application to the same database as MODX, and use the same encoding settings. (app/config/database.php)
use Rvanmarkus\Modxmodels\ModxContentModel
//queries directly modx_site_content table => returns title, content, author, etc
$content = ModxContentModel::where('alias','=','/about-us')->get();
Create a new PHP Class and extend the Rvanmarkus/Modxmodels/PageModel. Create a new template in MODX manager and add the new template ID to the model.
(ex. App/Books.php)
use Rvanmarkus\Modxmodels\ModxPageModel
class Books extends ModxPageModel{
const MODX_TEMPLATE_ID = 3; // id reference of the MODX (book) template (can be founded in MODX manager / or database)
$book = Books::where('alias','=','/example-book')
//Get your template variables from the templateVariables collection;
If you don't want a model that is specified by a template, create a model that extends the Rvanmarkus/Modxmodels/ModxContentModel class directly without the PageModel class. This class will query all the modx_site_content data by default, according the scopes you add. See the Eloquent documentation for more information.
You can eager load template variables by adding the 'TemplateVariables' relation (see Laravel Eloquent Docs for more information)
use Rvanmarkus/Modxmodels/ModxContentModel
//query content models where alias is'/about-us' and load all related template variables
$book = Books::with('templateVariables')
//for example: query the template variable (added in the MODX manager, with input type: *checkbox*) called 'Genres'
$tv = $book->templateVariables->get('Genres'); //ex. ['Roman','Science Fiction'] returns a array of selected checkbox TV values
The model automatically casts certain values of your template variables to Objects. The following template variable types will be automatically casted:
- Date
- Text
- checkbox (multiple values)
- MIGX data
// returns Carbon DateTime Object value
// returns PHP Object value
// returns PHP Array value
// returns string value